WELCOME TO YEAR 1 – SPRING TERMWELCOME TO YEAR 1 – SPRING TERM We will be estimating and counting objects and ordering numbers on a number line. We will be finding the difference between two numbers. We will be using our skills to solve problems involving subtracting, adding, doubling and halving. We will build on our mental maths skills recapping one more/less than and beyond and recalling number bonds to 5 (5+0, 4+1, 3+2 etc) and 10 (10+0, 9+1 etc). At home you could ask your child to share our number songs, play board games, discuss coins and change when at the shops, use words related to time, talk about measuring ingredients when preparing meals. In R.E. we will continue to focus on Christianity, looking at the areas of ‘Prayers and Worship’ and ‘Leaders and Teachers’. At home you could talk about quiet thinking times and about people who are special and important. In P.S.H.E. we will be chatting about the themes of ‘Going for Goals’, and ‘Say No to Bullying’. In Philosophy we will be developing our thinking and reasoning skills. We will practise using the word ‘because’ to explain our thoughts. At home you could read stories and discuss the characters’ feelings giving reasons from the story. In English, we will be reading and writing poetry on a theme and looking at stories from different cultures. The Rainforest In Geography, we will be using maps and globes to find out more about the world. We’ll think about what it would be like to live in the jungle and compare this to other places in the world. We will look at how the world is changing and try to make difficult decisions about the use of land. In Art, we will be looking at patterns found in the Jungle. We will look at tribal art and make animal masks. In DT we will be looking at foods that come from the rainforest and how they are used in the food we eat. In PE we will be making tribal dances and looking at animal movements to help create our own sequences. In Science, we will be looking at plants and animals that live and grow in the rainforest. We will look at the importance of conserving the rainforest. Toys and Games In Science, we will be sorting and using materials. We will look at what our toys are made of. We will look carefully at the features of a material and think about what it is suitable for. When investigating toys, we will describe the force used to make them move. MATHS At home you could talk about places in the world you’ve been or would like to go to. You could have a go at making a fruit or vegetable kebab or even grow your own. In History, we will be talking and writing about our favourite toys, what they are made of and how they move. We will also be discovering toys from the past, putting them in date order and thinking about how they have changed. We will collect and present information about toys and design toys for the future. In P.E. we will be playing traditional playground games and designing our own games. At home you could ask your child to direct you through a trail using whole, half and quarter turns, as well as the words ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’. At home you could talk about the favourite toys from your own childhood and talk to Grandparents about theirs. In Art, we will be responding to the work of artists by making Collages. We will design and make our own toy. We will be using joining techniques to make a sock puppet. In English we will read stories about toys and use non-fiction books to find out about toys from the past. We will write our own stories, non-fictions texts and instructions for games.