IndividualUnique Global
What makes the Bering Sea important to the entire planet? Migratory Birds & Mammals Fish Open Ocean / Sea Ice Chemical processes Plankton/Invertebrates Benthos The Bering Sea is one of the most biologically productive areas in the world. 50% of United States Seafood Production
WATER Bering Sea -Salt -Unique chemical properties -Currents/tides -summer Ice / winter ice -Oceanic Benthos Water masses don’t just stay in one spot – water in the Bering Sea may have been in Hawaii or California, etc. Nutrients in the water may also have come from different locations. Melting Arctic sea ice could stop the global ocean conveyor ocean conveyor belt.
WEATHER Weather systems develop in the Arctic and can influence weather in the lower 48 and other countries. Arctic Ice Affects Global Climate, Weather Different air masses which not only affect North America, but other continents as well.
WILDLIFE Whales and birds are just two examples of the species that migrate from many far away ecosystems to the Bering Sea, and with the change of seasons, return to where they came from, starting the yearly migration cycle all over. Whales & Migration
ARCTIC TERN SHEARWATER SHORT TAILED ALBATROSS MURRE Just a few migratory bird species who throughout the year call the Bering Sea home!
The Bering Sea is a unique and varied ecosystem…this presentation is only the beginning in a course of study that can last a life time. To find out more please visit the following websites: Best/Bsierp Bering Ecosystem Science Overview Science Focus- The Bering Sea