Marine Biology Unit #5
Vertebrates Scaly skin Lay eggs Reptiles found in subtropics and tropics Birds found from tropics to polar seas
7000 species; arose about 325 mya Walking or crawling on two pairs limbs Lungs Waterproof eggs Ectothermic Dry scales Sea turtles Sea snakes Marine iguana Saltwater crocodile
Found in tropics and subtropics Head not retractable into carapace Flippers Bouyant 7 species Endangered
Green Sea Turtle Tropical Grows to 1 meter Eats seagrasses
Hawksbill Turtle Smaller Red-brown shell Carnivorous
Leatherback Turtle Largest sea turtle Up to 2 meters; 500 kg Shell not solid Eats jellies
Loggerhead Turtle < 1 meter Florida Eats crustaceans
Ridley Sea Turtles Kemp’s Smallest sea turtle ~ 60 cm long Gulf of Mexico Olive or Pacific tropical
Flatback Sea Turtle Northern Australia Coastal
Mating in the water Female buries about 100 eggs Mates again 4-5 egg layings per year Hatch? Dogs Crabs Varmints Birds Fish
Found in tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans 50 species Venomous Paddle-shaped tail Prey on bottom fish
1 species; found on Galapagos Islands Paddle-shaped tail Feeds on seaweeds
Inhabit mangrove swamps Eastern Indian Ocean, Australia, and Western Pacific Ocean Grow up to 10 meters Aggressive
Will attack and eat people (or sharks!)
9700 species of birds; 300 are sea birds Endothermic Waterproof feathers Hollow bones Predators
Penguins Most aquatic of all sea birds 18 species All in Southern Hemisphere Completely flightless Eats fish, krill, squid, shellfish
Galapagos Penguin found on equator
Shorebirds Sandpipers Oystercatchers Snowy egrets Sea gulls
Diving Shorebirds Pelicans Cormorants Ospreys
Diving Pelagic Birds Petrels Auks Gannets Puffins Albatrosses