Oh, my! englishcornercafe.com
Pick one animal you like (dog, cat, bird, snake, wolf, etc.) Write down three adjectives to describe it My favorite animal is a wolf. It is: Powerful Independent Fiercely passionate This animal shows what you think others think about you (Other people think you are…) Tell the others at your table your animal and descriptions Do you think this is accurate? Do these adjectives describe you well? englishcornercafe.com
Giraffe Kangaroo Cheetah Hippopotamus Elephant Ostrich Camel Gorilla Rhinoceros Crocodile Platypus Gazelle Hyena Tortoise englishcornercafe.com
The fastest mammal The biggest mammal The strongest mammal (per kg) The tiniest mammal The largest bird The largest reptile The tallest land animal The oldest species The smallest bird The biggest snake Cheetah (120 km/h) Blue whale (30m+) Golden Mole (57g-2.4kg) Etruscan shrew (1.3g) Wandering Albatross (3.5m) Saltwater crocodile (6m) Giraffe (6m) Triops (shield shrimp) Bee hummingbird Python (450kg, 15m) englishcornercafe.com
Cheetah (120 km/h) Blue whale (30m+) Golden Mole (57g lifts 2.4kg) Eurasian shrew
Wandering Albatross (3.5m) Saltwater crocodile (6m) Giraffe (6m)
Triops (shield shrimp) Twice as old as dinosaurs Bee hummingbird Python (450kg, 15m)
It lives in Africa It is very large It is often angry It has very thick skin (hide) It has a horn on its head Animal: Rhinoceros Now try this with an animal of your own! Write down 5 things about the animal Tell another student ( from a different table ) Try to guess each other’s animals Switch! englishcornercafe.com
Discuss these questions with your group: What are some special animals in China? What animals have disappeared in China? What do you think is the cutest animal? Why? Is it okay to eat animals? to keep pets? Why? What animal ability would you like to have? Why? What animals do you dislike? Why? Would you rather be an animal in a zoo or a human in prison? Why? englishcornercafe.com
What do these mean? Do you agree? Why or why not? “Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours [eats] his own kind [species], for I can apply no milder [less strong] term to the general prey [hunting] of the rich on the poor.” – Thomas Jefferson “Man is the only animal that blushes – or needs to.” – Mark Twain “Happiness is a warm puppy.” – Charles Shulz “Dogs never bite me. Just humans.” –Marilyn Monroe “I’m fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” –Winston Churchill englishcornercafe.com