The Amazon contains 40% of the planet’s remaining tropical forests.


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Presentation transcript:

The Amazon contains 40% of the planet’s remaining tropical forests.

The Amazon river is the source of about 15% of all water that flows into the seas from the world’s rivers.

The Amazon forest contains one tenth of the world’s species, including threatened animals like the Jaguar, Harpy Eagle and Pink River Dolphin

Today more than 30 million people live in the region, including ‘native’ people, ranchers, farmers, rubber tappers, fishermen, loggers, miners and city dwellers.

How long do you think it would take to lose an area of the rainforest the size of 3 football grounds? This happens because of: cattle ranching logging farming road and dam building mining oil and gas extraction This happens because of: cattle ranching logging farming road and dam building mining oil and gas extraction

In just one minute we have lost the equivalent of Stadium of Light, St James’ Park and Old Trafford! How long would it take to lose the equivalent of all the premiership grounds?

17% of the Amazon has already been lost… …if we sit back, do nothing and current rates of deforestation continue, 55% of the Amazon rainforest could be critically damaged by 2030

What we do! With your help we can help to save the rainforests with the help of other schools through SKY. We aim to save animals lives and the tribes lives who this is affecting. With YOUR help we can!!!!!

Let us all pray What is a rainforest? I bet you'd like to know. It's a place where animals live, And plants and trees grow. There are millions and millions of species, Of animals, plants, and trees. But they're all disappearing, They need your help, please! The trees are all being cut, Only seven percent remain. What have we done to our world? We must be completely insane. We have to take care of the forests, 'Cause half the world's creatures live there. So write a letter or talk to your friends, To show you really care!

Goodbye Thank you for listening to our assembly. We hope that you enjoyed it and will help us achieve our goal to save our rainforest!! From The Rescue Rangers