September 15, 2015 NET+OS 6.0/GNU Postinstallation
September 15, 2015 Flash Recovery and the first Project
3 Flash Recovery The BSP and two of the example projects are required –/netos/src/bsp/ns7520_a.bld (used to generate an image of the bootloader) –/netos/src/apps/template/32b/image.bld –/netos/src/examples/naftpapp/32b/naftpapp.bld (used to download the above images to the target) Copy naftpapp project tree to /netos/src/apps and make a copy of template in /netos/src/apps (rename it to hello) Build the BSP and followingly both projects Download naftpapp application and execute Use „DOS“ FTP client to download rom.bin and image.bin –I.e. /netos/src/bsp/bootloader/romImage/rom.bin and /netos/src/apps/hello/32b/image.bin
4 Copy the Project Trees Drag the naftpapp project folder and drop it in /netos/src/apps Drag the naftpapp project folder and drop it in /netos/src/apps
5 Copy the Project Trees [cont.] Drag the template project folder and drop it in /netos/src/apps and rename it to hello Drag the template project folder and drop it in /netos/src/apps and rename it to hello
6 Build the Projects – Start with the BSP Define the Hardware Platform. Here it is ns7520_a Supported Platforms are: net50_d net50bga_a ns7520_a connectme connectem connectsp Supported Platforms are: net50_d net50bga_a ns7520_a connectme connectem connectsp
7 Repeat the Steps for naftpapp … … and for hello.
8 Run naftpapp under Debugger ctrl.
9 Set the Network Parameters Remember the root password is: >> Netsilicon << Remember the root password is: >> Netsilicon << … you need a terminal emulator set to 9600/8/N/1 and a serial connection from the board to the PC … you need a terminal emulator set to 9600/8/N/1 and a serial connection from the board to the PC
10 Download the Bootloader Image Use the “DOS” ftp client … … and download rom.bin Remember user is: >> (none) <<
11 Rerun naftpapp and this time download the Application Image Use the “DOS” ftp client … … and this time download image.bin User still is: >> (none) <<