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EuropeAntarcticaAfricaAsia South America Australia North America Back to cover Credits
Back to continents South America is the fourth largest continent. There are 13 countries that make up this continent. The rainforest is home to many different types of Animals. Some people live in cities while other farm the land and raise animals.
Back to continents Welcome to Asia. Asia is made up of 48 countries. These countries are very different and their cultures have little in common. Asia makes up nearly 1/3 of the Earth's land mass. Asia is on the other side of the world from us. So, when it is day time here, it is night time there. The Great Wall of China
Back to continents North America is made up of three large countries; Canada, Mexico and the United States and the countries of Central America and the Caribbean Islands. The land of North America goes from the frigid area of the Arctic Circle to the Tropical rain forest of Central America.
Back to continents "Aye, matie" Welcome to Australia, the smallest Continent. Because Australia is in the southern hemisphere, it is often called "The Land Down Under" Australia is the only continent that is its own country.
Back to continents The Land of Ice and Snow! Welcome to Antarctic. Antarctica is located at the South Pole It is the fifth largest continent. There are no countries on this continent. Despite the frigid cold, some animals survive here.
Back to continents Europe is the sixth largest continent. This continent is made up of 46 countries. The people of each country have their own language, customs, and culture.
Back to continents Africa is the second largest continent. The continent is divided into 53 different countries. Here in Africa you can walk in a jungle or ride a camel over the largest desert in the world! In Africa, there are so many different groups of people who speak many different languages. Some people live in cities while others live in villages and keep old traditions.