Digital Music and Audio Projects at Indiana University Jon Dunn Digital Library Program Indiana University August 16, 2001
Outline: Two Projects VARIATIONS Production system Digital Music Library (DML) R&D project
VARIATIONS Digital library of music sound recordings (and scores) Online since 1996 Accessible in Music Library and other select on-campus locations (copyright) Used daily by large student population students As many as 7000 player launches per day
Collection Currently: 7200 titles, 8000 hours of audio 5.9 TB uncompressed 1.6 TB compressed Opera, songs, instrumental music, jazz, rock, world music Course reserves and special collections
The past…
The present…
Technical Implementation Off-the-shelf components Media server: IBM VideoCharger Storage server: Tivoli Storage Manager Locally-developed components Player application VideoCharger-TSM integration Back-end management tools Structural/administrative metadata editor
Other Technical Details Audio Digitized in-house 16-bit 44.1 kHz stereo.WAV (1.4 Mbps) MPEG-1 layer 2 (384 Kbps) Hardware IBM RS/6000 servers IBM 3494/3590 automated tape library
Content Loading
Archive server (TSM) VRS VideoCharger Playback server Player Web server Client Browser Content Access
VARIATIONS Metadata Descriptive Existing USMARC records with URLs added to 856 fields SIRSI Unicorn Administrative, structural Digitization information Track descriptions and timings Stored in locally-defined track file format
VARIATIONS Demonstration
Original VARIATIONS Concept Burroughs and Fenske, 1990 VARIATIONS name Theme and Variations Variety of information formats for music Networked access for the music student or scholar to sound recordings, scores, textual materials, video recordings
Digital Music Library (DML) New four-year project: started October 1, 2000 Funding from Digital Libraries Initiative – Phase 2 (DLI2) program: NSF, NEH Interdisciplinary team of investigators Faculty: Music, Information Science, Law, Computer Science Librarians and technologists: IU Libraries, University IT Services Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses Satellite sites in US, UK, and Japan
DML Project Goals Establish a music library testbed system Develop applications: music instruction, music library Conduct research: usability and intellectual property
DML Testbed System Integrated access to music in all formats Delivery to wide range of users Extensible e.g. future integration of content-based search, support for new media formats and delivery technologies Staged development
DML System Features New content formats Sound, score image, score notation, MIDI, video Improved search capabilities New data model, metadata Links between objects Easily navigate from score to sound (to video) Synchronized playback/navigation Customization Bookmarking, annotation
DML System Features Network Support for wide range of network technologies and bandwidths: LAN, Internet, Internet2, remote access Access control To be determined by copyright requirements
DML System Features Modular component-based architecture Support development of applications via reusable components: Search tool Audio player Score image viewer Score notation viewer/player Digital Timeliner …
DML System Architecture Repositories Images, notation files, audio/video, metadata, … Applications General purpose, Instruction User interface components Audio player, score viewer, timeliner, … Access components Low-level APIs
DML Data Model Problem: same musical work exists in many formats Sound, score (notation and image), video Not compound objects in the usual DL sense (e.g. MOA-2/METS) How to support discovery of relationships between objects, synchronization?
DML Data Model Many entities; complex relationships Creators/contributors Works (musical compositions) Instantiations (sound recordings, videos, scores) Containers (e.g. CDs, collected scores) Media objects (e.g. sound files, notation files, image filesets) Other relationships: arrangements, medleys, collective titles, etc. Music thesaurus for controlled vocabulary Structural metadata at work, instantiation, and container level to support navigation, synchronization MARC import
DML Progress Requirements, data model, and UI specs almost done for version 1 Version 1 due January 2002
For more information… VARIATIONS Digital Music Library IU Digital Library Program