D. Britton GridPP Status - ProjectMap 22/Feb/06
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status GridPP2 ProjectMap
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Metrics 88 are currently satisfied; the 9 below are not: 0.105: Number of LCG/EGEE jobs slots used : GridPP KSI2K available : GridPP disk storage available: 0.131: Tier-1 service disaster recovery plans up to date : Training needs addressed : GridPP Helpdesk functioning adequately : Tier-2 Hardware realization : Quarterly reports received within 1 month of end of quarter : Number of UB meetings Shortage of Hardware (wrt planning): This reflects the slower than planned ramp- up of resources at the institutes. This is improving (Tier2 report). Usage is low.
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Milestones A total of 258 active milestones; 103 (40%) have been completed; there are 7 milestones overdue: 0.37: Full Tier-1 Team in place (2 posts advertised). 0.49: Tier-2 storage accessible via SRM interface. (Almost, but not quite all). 0.54: GridPP accounting data accessible. (This is largely available). 0.59: GridPP able to monitor networks to all supported sites. (Being rolled out) and : International MoU with CERN (We believe that this is close!) 6.2.6: First stage connection of GridPP sites to NGS: (This is partly complete.)
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Change Forms Thirty seven change forms have been submitted, reviewed, enacted. Production Grid (7) Storage Group (2) WLMS (2) Security (4) InfoMon (2) ATLAS (4) GANGA (1) LHCb (3) CMS (1) PhenoGrid (2) LCG deployment (1) SAM (7) UKQCD (1)
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Risk Register R10-Apps: External middleware dependence. R22-LCG, R22-Apps, R22-PRO: Hardware resources inadequate. R32-PRO: Security inadequate to operate Grid. R40-Apps: Lack of future funding. Six high risks identified:
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Added Value The top six items (the order is not significant): 1) The GridPP Identity 2) Enabling the LCG Project 3) Leading contributions to Grid Middleware 4) The Tier centre structures. 5) The Deployment team. 6) The UK Particle Physics Grid.
D. Britton GridPP Status - Resources 22/Feb/2006
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status GridPP Financial Summary Integrated GridPP1 + GridPP2 picture.
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Unallocated Funds Unallocated Funds arose from: Lower average staff cost for FY04/05 at CCLRC (£61.1K compared to the planned value of £64.4K) This contributed £72K in total savings. Two vacant Tier-1 posts. This contributes £64.4K for each 6 month period. Table-1 includes this contribution up to the end of the 2005 calendar year. Application posts at Manchester (BaBar) and Bristol (Babar/WP6) ended early and funds were returned to the GridPP budget (£21,575 and £31,208, respectively). EU travel refunds (EDG and EGEE) with a total of £74,423 were received for travel originally paid by GridPP. Propose to apply these funds to purchase additional Tier-1 hardware.
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Future Further funds of the order of £150K may become available in the future from the following sources: The average staff cost for CCLRC staff is now probably overestimated for FY05-FY07. The Tier-1 posts are presently being advertised but some additional savings will occur before these are filled. The projected FY05 travel out-turn (£283K) looks like it is close to the budgeted amount (£289K), but an EGEE-II travel funding for UK posts may return some amount. No expenditure is presently foreseen against £65K remaining on the GridPP consumables budget.
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status GridPP2 Post Summary Note-1: Tier-2 security post; Tier-2 network post; Joint HP post. Note-2: Two Tier-1 posts currently advertised.
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status GridPP2 Effort Summary Of plannedOf actual GridPP and EU effort. Of planned GridPP and EU effort. Disclaimer: Numbers are indicative. There are many known effects that would need to be taken out to obtain precise statistics.
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Travel Budget The predicted outturn for financial year 2005 is £283K compared to a budget of £289K.
D. Britton22/Feb/2006GridPP Status Resource Summary GridPP proposes to redirect £255K that is currently unallocated to address the anticipated shortage of Tier-1 hardware in 2007/8. The FY06 Tier-1 hardware budget remains at £996K. We note that the purchase must be initiated immediately in order to deploy the hardware needed this calendar year. We ask PPARC/OC for agreement to proceed with this. The project is in the steady-state with just a few vacant posts and with effort being delivered as anticipated.