Teen Living
List traits you would like for a future spouse to have. Once you have a list of 5- 10, I want you to think of 2 or 3 “deal breakers” or things that would end a relationship immediately….such as gambling, infidelity, abuse, and so on.
THE DIRTIEST MAN IN THE WORLD Oh I'm Dirty Dan, the world's dirtiest man, I never have taken a shower. I can't see my shirt—it's so covered with dirt. And my ears have enough to grow flowers. But the water is either a little too hot. Or else it's a little too cold. I'm musty and dusty and patchy and scratchy And mangy and covered with mold. But the water is always a little too hot, Or else it’s a little to cold. I live in a pen with five hogs and a hen And three squizzly lizards who creep in My bed, and they itch as I squirm, and I twitch In the cruddy old sheets that I sleep in. If you looked down my throat with a flashlight, you'd note That my insides are coated with rust. I creak when I walk and I squeak when I talk. And each time I sneeze I blow dust.
The thought of a towel and some soap makes me howl, And when people have something to tell me They don't come and tell it—they stand back and yell it. I think they're afraid they might smell me. The bedbugs that leap on me sing me to sleep, And the garbage flies buzz me awake. They're the best friends I've found and I fear they might drown So I never go too near a lake. Each evening at nine I sit down to dine With the termites who live in my chair. And I joke with the bats and have intimate chats With the cooties who crawl through my hair. I'd brighten my life if I just found a wife, But I fear that that never will be Until I can find a girl, gentle and kind. With a beautiful face and a sensitive mind, Who sparkles and twinkles and glistens and shines— And who's almost as dirty as me. By: Shel Silverstein
A. Family, friends, and peers B. Self-concept C. Stress D. Dating 1. Healthy 2. Unhealthy E. Sexual abstinence
1. Healthy2. Unhealthy Group dating, random dating, or steady dating Learn to give and take Interact without pressure You can be yourself They enhance YOU! Help you grow as a person. (You attract what you GIVE, not what you WANT) Causes problems between you and parents or friends Possessive Abusive Pressure you to do things you don’t want to do Puts you down Not infatuated!
Let’s see what kind of dater you are. ◦ Take the quiz in your packet to find out what kind of dater you are…
The only way to prevent pregnancy 100% of the time is by practicing abstinence and sustaining from sex. If you use any other method, you may become pregnant. There are 101 other things you can do besides sex. Like…
Teen Living
Fill in the chart below with your opinion of the Pros and Cons of Parenting. Try to list at least 5 for each. PROSCONS
KWL Know - Want to Know - Learned 1. Write 5 what things you know about teen pregnancy in column labeled “Know”. 2. Write at least three things you “Want To Know” about teen pregnancy in the second column. 3. When we are finished, we will write what we “Learned” in the third column so don’t fill that out yet!
Parents must provide for a child physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and also give guidance. Parents usually take care of these needs but grandparents, older siblings, sitters, and child-care workers also perform acts of parenting.
Nutritious meals Proper clothing Adequate rest Safe environment Exercise and fresh air Medical and dental care Proper hygiene
Instruction at home Toys, books, learning tools Trips, outings Musical, athletic, lessons Public or private school classes
Love A sense of security Attention Comfort Support
Other family members A best friend A group of children People of differing ages, races, or ethnic backgrounds
Right from Wrong Values Goals Safety Rules Good citizenship
*Physical *Social *Emotional *Financial *Future
Greater risk of premature birth Greater risk of lower birth weight ◦ Can cause problems like cerebral palsy or mental retardation Poor nutrition can cause the baby to be born underdeveloped
Pregnancy puts a lot of stress on the body ◦ Teen are still growing and need proper rest, food, and energy for themselves. Teen moms have a greater risk of developing: ◦ TOXEMIA - a build-up of toxins in the blood ANEMIA - a lack of iron which leads to fatigue, weakness, etc
Giving up activities with friends ◦ Parties ◦ Prom ◦ Trips and Vacations ◦ Going out to eat or to the movies
Putting off a career due to having to quit school to earn money to take care of the baby or to make child support payments. ◦ Parents are legally responsible for their child until the child is age 18 Not starting college due to pregnancy or child support Dropping out of high school due to pregnancy or child support
Teens might feel isolation, despair, and frustration Babies have emotional needs too ◦ Need to be loved, held, read to, played with, cared for Teens may not be emotionally mature
◦ Extreme jealousy ◦ Resenting partner for spending time away from them ◦ Temper Tantrums ◦ Lacking patience ◦ Unsympathetic ◦ Lacking self-control ◦ Lacking self-confidence ◦ Lacking a degree of selflessness
Prenatal doctor visits are a necessity and cost every time you go, which can be every week. Physical needs for baby ◦ Formula ◦ Furniture ◦ Diapers ◦ Car Seat ◦ Clothes ◦ Toys Lost opportunities due to pregnancy or child: -Scholarships -Jobs
Children who constantly hear fighting and arguing can grow up to be insecure and very nervous.
◦ Become teen parents ◦ Be abused and neglected Abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual Neglect is failure of a parent, guardian, or other caregiver to provide for a child’s basic needs physically, emotionally, or mentally ◦ Live in poverty The younger the parents are, the more likely they are to live in poverty
◦ Teen parents who do not have a job or money saved up can seek assistance from Social Services.
◦ Smoking Can cause premature birth and asthma ◦ Alcohol – wine, beer, liquor Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS or FAE) ◦ Drugs of ANY kind Aspirin Over the counter Illegal Substances ◦ X-Rays Dental or bone scans
Alcohol in a pregnant woman's bloodstream circulates to the fetus by crossing the placenta and interferes with the ability of the fetus to receive sufficient oxygen and nourishment for normal cell development in the brain and other body organs.
Teen mothers: Educational attainment by age 30 68% 32% National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. (1997). Whatever Happened to Childhood? The Problem of Teen Pregnancy in the United States. Washington, DC: Author.
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. (1997). Whatever Happened to Childhood? The Problem of Teen Pregnancy in the United States. Washington, DC: Author.