Central America
7 countries- Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama Isthmus that connects North America and South America Volcanic mountains cover most of the seven countries Climate – Mountains- cool with rich soil, ideal for growing coffee – Coast- tropical rainforest, hot with 100 inches of rainfall a year
Archipelago- chain of islands between Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea Coastal plains produce sugar cane Climate- mild in the winter and hot in the summer Tourism year round is a main economic activity of the region
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Central America and Caribbean were under water millions of years ago Tectonic plate movements caused land to rise( islands), mountains and volcanoes to form Continuous movement of the plates causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions 1996 – Montserrat- volcanic eruption caused 2/3rds of the population to flee their homes Haiti- 7.0 earthquake caused extensive damage, Killed 200,000 people, 1 million people left homeless, destroyed critical systems: no water, electricity, transportation or medical care
1.3 Rainforest of Central America
Rainforest Importance – Home to many plants and animals, including many rare species – Valuable economic resource: logging, farming and tourism Destruction – 1500s- most of Central America covered by rainforest – 1900s- forest cleared by logging and farming – Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador lost % of their rainforest
Reasons for Destruction Commercial farming – Large areas cleared for plantations – Large areas cleared for raising of cattle Logging – Lumber needed for building – Valuable wood like mahogany and rosewood Rural farmers – Clear areas to farm, soil is not rich, so they farm more land to get bigger crop – Firewood for village