Export Campesino Latifundia Minifundia Cash crop Gross domestic product Service industry Maquiladora Free trade zone
Agriculture › Supplies major chunk of income › Export- sell to other countries what is produced Ex: Bananas, sugarcane, coffee › Land divided into wealthy and campesinos Rural farmers and workers › Latifundia LARGE estates owned by wealthy families and corporations › Minifundia All other farms › Cash crops- produced in large quantities to sell abroad › Problem is overdependence
Most are developing countries › EX: Mexico- from farming to oil production › manufacturing = 16% and agriculture 4% of Gross Domestic product (GDP) Values of goods and services produced in a country in a year Moving towards service industry › Provides a service › Ex: tourism
Limited in Latin America Andes and Amazon Rainforest restrict availability of natural resources Foreign investment Political instability Solution › Stable gov’t › Provide the necessary resources › Active business communities
Manufacturing plants owned by foreign countries › EX: Mexico › Cuidad Juarez, and Tijuana › 3,200 employ over 1 million workers › Located in free-trade zones No trade restrictions
Physical barriers Pan-American Highway › Northern Mexico to Southern Chile Trans-Andean Highway › Chile to Argentina Brazil › Trans-Amazonian Highway Trans-Oceanic Highway › Peru and Brazil › Link between the Amazon and the Pacific
Railway System › Mexico, Panama, Argentina, Brazil Air Travel › Important to overcoming geographic barriers Communication › Censored during political unrest › Most cannot afford telephones 2004 › Brazil & Mexico among top 15 countries with the highest rate of computer use Today- internet hub in D.R. to make it more stable
1960s and 1970s › Latin American countries borrowed $$ from banks to industrialize 1980s › Economic slow-down › Lower demand for Latin American products › Could not repay loans Problem is finding a solution
NAFTA › 1992 NAFTA › Reduced trade restrictions › Increased flow of goods, services, and people › Trade went up by 10-15% Controversy › U.S. job loss to less paid Mexican workers › U.S. investment in Mexico, but no relocation
CAFTA › 2005 › U.S. + 6 Central American countries › Goal was to lower trade barriers between U.S. and Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and D.R. FEAR › U.S. job loss › Exploitation of lower paid workers
Deforestation- disappearing of forests for other uses Solution: › Sustainable development- use only what natural resources are needed to sustain life Farms vs. Forests › Clearing of the Amazon Basin to set-up new farmland › Slash-and-burn farming All plants are cut down; trees are stripped of their bark; once dried out they burn it so that the soil gets nutrients
Diverse rainforest is at danger of being lost ½ of all plant and animal species live in the rainforest 20% of the Amazon Rainforest has already been cleared Atlantic Forest › Lesser known › In Brazil › 7% of its original size today MEDICINE
Planting for the future › Laws require that young trees or seeds be planted for the future › Developing new methods of farming
Rapid urbanization = environmental issues Workers move to cities › Hope to find a better life › Sometimes they DON’T › Shantytowns- makeshift communities on the edge of cities › unsanitary
Territorial conflict › Disputed border wars › Ex: 1998 Peru and Ecuador settled a 60 year border war Natural Disasters › L.A. vulnerable to hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions Cool Fact › In 1995 a volcanic eruption left 2/3 of the island of Monserrat inhabitable