MASH Project
What is Mash Project? Mash Project is a youth-led initiative which aims to build, train and equip young social changemakers with the power of technology to build a sustainable future. We are creating an exciting eco-system for young people which provides them with platforms to connect & engage to promote the use of technology for sustainability.
Initiatives Undertaken In-House Apps (Formal, 5 months) In-House Apps (Formal, 5 months) Build Apps for Social orgs. (Formal, 3 months) Build Apps for Social orgs. (Formal, 3 months) Hack-Day (Informal, 1 month) Hack-Day (Informal, 1 month) Hackathons (Formal, 2 months) Hackathons (Formal, 2 months) Training & Workshops (Formal, 2 months) Training & Workshops (Formal, 2 months) Blogs and ers (Formal, 3 months) Blogs and ers (Formal, 3 months) Social media: Updates, *Competitions (Formal, 4 months) Social media: Updates, *Competitions (Formal, 4 months) Global Sustainability Calendar (Happy New Year) Global Sustainability Calendar (Happy New Year)
Target group and Results Target groups are majorly divided into 2 groups: College students College students Non-college Non-college Workshops are conducted for college students at their colleges premises. Open workshops are conducted for non-college people. More than 80% of the attendees are in the age group of years.
Challenges Lack of participation from women Lack of participation from women High quality training material which is engaging High quality training material which is engaging Introduction in the curriculum Introduction in the curriculum Lack of focus on local issues Lack of focus on local issues Good quality equipment to test the Apps Good quality equipment to test the Apps Greater outreach to Tier-2, Tier-3 cities and rural areas. Greater outreach to Tier-2, Tier-3 cities and rural areas.
Support from UNESCO Access to the Global Network of resources:- Trainers, Institutions, Developers and Finance Access to the Global Network of resources:- Trainers, Institutions, Developers and Finance Brand association Brand association Defining standard key performance indicators Defining standard key performance indicators Promoting greater participation from women developers Promoting greater participation from women developers Organising Competitions. Organising Competitions.