Pacific Northwest Fire Operations Safety & Leadership Training Building Our Future Sunriver, OR March 15-17,2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Pacific Northwest Fire Operations Safety & Leadership Training Building Our Future Sunriver, OR March 15-17,2011

Fundamentals of Leadership- Connection Connection Commitment Commitment Compassion Compassion

Slide 3 Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro

Climbing Routes

Slide 5 Day 1

Slide ’-9400’ Approx 11km Rainforest

Slide 7

Slide 8 Day 2- 12,500’ 5km. Moorland

Slide 9 Day ’-13000’ (passing thru 14,000’) 15km Semi Desert

Slide 10 Day ’- 15,300’ 9 km Alpine Desert Climbing the Baranco Wall)

Slide 11 Lunch Day 4- Karanga Camp

Slide 12 Base Camp: Begin 12:20 am 5k up to 19,342’ 12k down to 10,000’ End of Day 4

Slide 13 Stella Point Approx 19,000’ Arrived 6:20 am

Slide 14 Kibo Glacier

Slide 15 Arrived Uhuru Peak 19,341’ 7:20 am

Slide 16

Slide 17 Commitment Commitment What we do transcends who we are- –Caring for the Land and Serving People Doing work that matters People want meaning –Ask yourself why you do this work: and then tell the people who work for you.

Slide 18 Inspiring people and changing lives. Where we work Who we work with

Slide 19 Compassion Compassion Leading from the Heart “People will forget what you said; they will forget what you did. But people will always remember how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou