11/30/09 Compare Decimals #1 Today’s Plan: -New Trimester -Lesson -Assignment Learning Target: -I will learn to compare and order decimals. LT: I will learn to compare and order decimals. New trimester! Start with lesson #1 again.
11/30/09 Compare Decimals #1 Today’s Plan: -New Trimester -Lesson -Assignment Learning Target: -I will learn to compare and order decimals. LT: I will learn to compare and order decimals. Warm Up: Write each decimal as a fraction in lowest terms. (You may use your fraction, decimal, percent wheel.) A) 0.01 B) 0.1 C) 0.33 D) 0.25 E) 0.66 F) 0.4
PlaceThousandsHundredsTensOnes · Tenths Hundredths Thousandths Place Value: Place Value 1, = = = 1 1,000 11/30/09 Compare Decimals #1 Today’s Plan: -New Trimester -Lesson -Assignment Learning Target: -I will learn to compare and order decimals. If 1 meter = 1.00 what would.5 be?.01?.06?.56?.001?
To compare decimals, line up the decimal points and compare digits from left to right until you find the place where the digits are different. Course Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
11/30/09 Compare Decimals #1 Today’s Plan: -New Trimester -Lesson -Assignment Learning Target: -I will learn to compare and order decimals.
Compare the decimals. Write. Additional Example 2: Comparing Decimals > Line up the decimal points. The tenths and hundredths are the same. Compare the thousandths: > 5. Course Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
Compare the decimals. Write < Line up the decimal points. The tenths and hundredths are the same. Compare the thousandths: < 8. Try This: Example 2 Course Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
Order the numbers from least to greatest. Additional Example 3: Ordering Fractions and Decimals , and 0.9, 4545 = 0.80 Graph the numbers on a number line Write as decimals with the same number of places = = 0.90 Course Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
Additional Example 3 Continued The values on a number line increase as we move from left to right < 0.90 < , 0.9, 0.93 Place the decimals in order. Order the numbers from least to greatest , and 0.9, Course Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
Order the numbers from least to greatest. Try This: Example , and 0.7, 3535 = 0.60 Graph the numbers on a number line Write as decimals with the same number of places = = 0.70 Course Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
Try This: Example 3 Continued The values on a number line increase as we move from left to right < 0.70 < , 0.7, 0.84 Place the decimals in order. Order the numbers from least to greatest , and 0.7, Course Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
11/30/09 Compare Decimals #1 Today’s Plan: -New Trimester -Lesson -Assignment Learning Target: -I will learn to compare and order decimals. Page 176 #5-8, 20-25