Leveraging Multiple Initiatives into a State-wide Network Gerald F. Dube Director, UNET
Maine Challenges Largest of new England States Population slightly over 1.2M EPSCOR state In 2000, Maine 48 th in research funding.47 percent of gross state product derived from R&D Only 52 percent of HS graduates continue to 4 yr college or university In 1998, 45 th in nation for adults over 25 with a Bachelors degree
The Good Stories Highest High Schools completion rate in America, 94.5 percent (USDOE 2001) In 2000, NAEP assessments –4 th graders second in science –8 th graders third in Mathematics –8 th graders first in Reading –4 th graders fourth in Reading biggest bang for educational buck Forbes magazine, 1997
More Good Stories highest performing K12 education system, National Educational Goals Panel (1999) best state in which to raise a child, Childrens Rights Council (1999) First in nation to connect all K12 and Public Libraries to Internet First state in the nation to equip all 7 th and 8 th graders with a wireless laptop starting in fall of 2002
The University of Maine System Seven semi autonomous institutions 10 university centers Over 32,000 students Operates a statewide ITV system since 1988 ITV broadcasts to additional 60+ sites with audio return Operates a statewide data network ISP to University, K12, public libraries, state government, and other non-profit
Maine Schools and Library Network All K12 schools, public and private, all public libraries connected to Internet by 1996 Initially funded with over earnings of RBOC Ordered by Maine PUC Now funded by combination of Federal E-rate and PUC mandated charges to carriers (instate e-rate) Supports over 1100 sites Operated under contract by UMaine System
Video Projects Department of Education Distance Learning Initiative Bio-Science Research Initiative Marine Science Research Initiative Interoperability ITV Conversion
Department of Education Distance Learning Initiative Requirements –High quality video –Full presence (up to 4 sites) –Multiple streams –De-centralized scheduling Classrooms, not studios Teacher/Leader operated
DOE Distance Learning Requires high bandwidth –Currently 45 Mbps ATM circuits Circuits from RBOC under special contract Full ATM SVC control across carrier cloud Uses MPEG-2 compression Connection to MSLN over same circuit Operated under contract by UMaine System
DOE Distance Learning Benefits Provide broader offerings to all schools –AP courses - Math –Foreign Languages –American Sign Language Team teaching Professional development for teachers Workshops Regional meetings Support staff training
ROOM CHARACTERISTICS Unobtrusive technology Full mobility in room Wireless teacher/leader microphone Full room audio for audience Tracking teacher/leader camera One or more audience camera Teacher/Leader room controls Flexible room configuration
Teacher Station Design –Mobile Teachers Station on Wheels –Size Must Fit Through Doorway Must Hold all A/V Equipment –ADA Compliance Drop Down Leaf
Teacher Station
Remote Monitors
Teacher monitor and camera Tracking camera Wireless microphone Separate teacher monitor
Scheduler TCReliance Video Manager by TODD Video Network Management De-centralized scheduling –Central scheduler server –Web [JAVA] interface Controls multiple vendor equipment –Miranda MPEG-2 codec –Accord MCU for H.32x –AutoPatch [video router] –H.323 devices
Room Control Works with central scheduler Walk in and teach Both local and remote control Currently PC based Moving to AMX interface
Room Control Touch panel IP phone RF keyboard
R.C. Interface
Operating (45) & Scheduled (12) Dept of Education Distance Learning Network MPEG-2/ATM
Potential for IP Transport Miranda codecs support IP transport in addition to ATM TODD scheduler supports ATM or IP Demonstrated at WAVE conference in November in Providence, RI Wave conference sponsored by OSHEAN Remainder of room equipment unaffected
Bio-Science Research Initiative Goals –Strengthen Graduate Education in bio-sciences –Enhance research collaboration between private institutions and the University Use DOE model –45Mbps connection –High speed data –Broadcast quality video –Full-presence for four sites Allow interoperability with DOE sites
Research initiative To bring together –University of Maine –University of Southern Maine –Jackson Laboratory –Maine Medical Research Biotechnology Initiative
Marine Science Initiative Connect 12 sites involved in Marine Sciences –University Campuses –University Marine Research Center –Maine Maritime Academy –Maine Department of Marine Resources –Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory –Fish hatchery Provides an environment for –Collaboration of Maine and national marine research partners
Marine Science Initiative 6 sites served with Broadband/MPEG2 6 sites served with H.323 Interoperability MPEG2/H.323 Interoperability with DOE Distance Learning Project Interoperability with Bio-science Initiative Driven by same central scheduler as DOE distance learning
Interoperability All projects require interoperability between MPEG-2 and H.32x A solution implemented for DOE project Supports MPEG2, H.323, H.320 in single session Same solution being extended to other projects Supported by TODD scheduler Each site participates at level of its video quality, not least common denominator
Central Design
ITV Conversion Since 1988, ITV distributed over DS-3 fiber circuits and ITFS microwave Now being converted to ATM and MPEG-2 Uses same Miranda codecs –1 encoder, 5 decoders To be supported with same TODD scheduler Interoperable with other MPEG-2 projects Conversion in progress, completion by summer 2002
Summary All projects have different funding All projects use essentially same equipment All projects managed by one central agency All projects fully interoperable All projects can use ATM or IP transport