Place Value Jennifer Twist July 19, 2007
District/Elementary School Sweet Home Central School District: Heritage Heights Elementary School
Grade Level/Ability of Students Fourth Grade: General Education Classroom: 22 students-11 boys and 11 girls Participants have varying needs ranging from developing to proficient A student with EBD, previously serviced within a self-contained classroom, is now participating in the general education classroom fulltime Pg 3
Lesson Time Frame The time allotted for this instructional block (math) is 50 minutes: 9:20-10:30 Pg 11
Objectives 1.0 The students will be able to rationalize and explain their mathematical thinking (in both verbal and written formats) in relation to tens/hundreds/thousands and tenths/hundredths/thousandths places. 2.0 The students will be able to illustrate their understanding of place value. Pg 2
Essential Question What does place value and value of a number mean? Example: 335- the place value is hundreds and the value is 300 How will I show place value of whole numbers (up to thousands) and decimal numbers (up to thousandths)? Pg 2
Enduring Understanding The students will identify the place values of digits in the: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths, thousandths place values Pg 2
Student’s Tasks 1.) Place Value Review Game: Whole Class 2.) Walk-About- Activity: Whole Class/Group 3.) Concept Attainment (Example/Non- Example) (Whole Class) 4.) Differentiated Follow-up Activity: Differentiated by individual Readiness Levels (Small Groups) 5.) Exit Slip (Independently)
Developing Student Work
Proficient Student Work
Distinguished Student Work
New York State Core Curriculum Area- Mathematics Strand- Number Sense and Operations Band- Students will understand numbers, multiple ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and numbers systems. P.I-4.N.4 Understand the place value structure of the base ten number system Pg 23
Formative/Summative Assessment Formative Assessment: ~ Place Value Game ~ Walk-About-Activity ~ Concept Attainment Summative Assessment: ~ Differentiated Activity ~Exit Card
Modification Table : Materials ModificationRationaleBenefit Differentiated small group activity sheets and checklist * Differentiated by readiness Increase knowledge with regards to content area while attending to individual readiness levels Providing appropriate challenge to students at varying readiness levels while focusing on the same skill/content area
Reflections I would like to thank Dr. Arnold and the QLTP for providing me with an opportunity to present my Learning Experience. I am looking forward to the reflecting upon the warm and cool comments provided by the Peer Review team.