What will you learn: 1.Basic characteristic 2.Geography 3.History 4.Sites 5.Interesting facts
Basic information South America Republic of Peru -> Peru Capital: Lima km² 28,2 mil. inhabitants Head of state: Alan Garcia Perez Languages spoken: Spanish, Quechua (official languages), Aymara, many Amazonian languages Currency: New sol Agriculture, fishing, mining industry, textile industry over 89 % Roman Catholic, 6,7 % Evangelical, 2,6 % other religions, 1,4 % non-religious, also 0,2 % unspecified.
Geography 20 th biggest country in the world East : Amazon rainforest West : Andes (Altiplano), Pacific ocean South : Lake Titicaca South, Chile border : the Atacama desert Rich fauna and flora
History The oldest mention years BC The oldest known Peruvian civilization: Norte Chico (3000 – 1800 BC) Incas (15 th th century) created strong state, the biggest in the „before-Columbus America“ 16 th century - Spanish colonization independence
Places to see 1.) MACHU PICCHU built by Incas Religious rituals High in the mountains Discovered in 1911 Average daily visitors: ) LAKE TITICACA The highest lying lake in the world Many people live around Deep 300 metres Many legends
3.) Nazca lines located in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru UNESCO World heritage site
Interesting facts The country has only 1 heliport Members of the military and national police may not vote in elections The average Peruvian earns the equivalent of $6,000 a year In 1995, Peru was the biggest cocaine producer in the world. Production rates have dropped, but opium production is on the rise Peruvian food has 468 different registered typical dishes
Since it is impossible to know what's really happening, we Peruvians lie, invent, dream and take refuge in illusion. Because of these strange circumstances, Peruvian life, a life in which so few actually do read, has become literary -Mario Vargas Llosa (famous Peruvian writter) Thank you for you attention ! Natália Gubová 3.B
Sources: c11273/Peru:Trivia.And.Fun.Facts.html c11273/Peru:Trivia.And.Fun.Facts.html