1 Secondary Education and Latest Development of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum Dr K K Chan Curriculum Development Institute 14 August 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Education and Latest Development of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum Dr K K Chan Curriculum Development Institute 14 August 2006

2 What is the reform ?

3 What is worth learning? Why Learning goals Knowledge, generic skills, values & attitudes What Flexible curriculum framework How Curriculum as learning experiences (more hands-on, construction of knowledge) Means (LWL, 4 key tasks, etc.) The Key Question

4 Seven Learning Goals of School Curriculum

5 Value & Attitude Generic Skill New Senior Secondary & Basic Education Curriculum Framework 4 Core Subjects: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies (45-55%) 2-3 Elective Subjects out of 20 subjects or out of courses in career- oriented studies (20-30%) Other Learning Experiences including moral and civic education, community service, aesthetic and physical experiences and work-related experiences (e.g. job attachment) (15-35%) P.1- S.3 NSS Moral and Civic Education Intellectual Development Community Service Physical & Aesthetic Development Career-related Experiences General Studies

6 Short-term Targets ( ) 1) Four Key Tasks Promote Learning to Learn Information Technology for Interactive Learning Moral & Civic Education Reading to Learn Project Learning

7 3) Promote assessment for learning Critical thinking skill Communication skill Creativity 2) Infuse generic skills into the learning and teaching of 8 key learning areas Short-term Targets ( )

8 4) Have a broad and balanced curriculum 5) Review schools current work, formulate curriculum development plan at their own pace and according to their students needs and abilities Short-term Targets ( )

9 A partnership, incremental and ecological model of change Short-term Targets ( )

10 Medium-term Targets (2006 – 2011) Long-term Targets (2011 and beyond)

11 Trimming and restructuring the curriculum Re-engineering work process to reduce unnecessary administrative workload of teaching staff Reducing excess tests and examinations Planning the time-table flexibly Make good use of various grants Sharing good practices and learning and teaching materials with peers Motivate students to learn in various environments using a range of diverse and appropriate strategies Building on Strengths

12 Develop in students Generic skills Values and attitudes Strengthen Cross-curricular learning Catering for learner diversity Implement Assessment for learning Life-wide learning Four key tasks ( Organic Integration) Focus of Curriculum Reform

13 Where are we ?

14 Progress in basic education - 3rd KLA Survey (Oct 05)

15 Changes at school level For majority of schools A broad and balanced curriculum + 5 essential learning experiences Smooth transition across different Key Stages Strategic planning Coordinated effort Collaborative culture Concerted effort

16 Changes in curriculum development & teachers practice Most teachers Apart from 4 Key Tasks, infused generic skills and values and attitudes Adopted different L/T strategies Used different modes of assessment and assessment for learning Played multiple roles

17 Impact on students (primary and junior secondary levels) Communication skills and creativity Students motivation and interest in learning, self-learning ability and habit National identity

18 Impact on school heads, teachers and schools Schools as a learning community Professional development improved in varying degrees More than half of School Heads indicated that there was improvement in the relationship between teachers & students and schools & parents

19 Areas of Concern 1.Perseverance 2.Impact on teachers: Teachers workload + morale of teaching staff Teachers competence 3.Primary schools were more positive than secondary schools 4.School heads gave a more positive response than KLA heads & KLA teachers in both primary and secondary schools

20 Observations and Reflections on the Change Process Intellectual discourse + coherence making It takes time to communicate, adapt, learn, practise, buy-in … Different stages of change: shock, awareness, management, collaboration, refocussing Change is complex, interactive Communication, sharing and support Students benefits

21 The New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education and its Latest Development

22 Sept st cohort of NSS students st HKDSE examination - 1st cohort of SS3 students entering the university st batch of university students to be graduated under the new structure Year of Implementation: 2009

23 Benefits, learning goals, principles of design of curriculum & assessment for new senior secondary (NSS) education

24 ALL students will have the opportunity to receive 3-year senior secondary education. Higher education institutions will be better placed to provide balanced, all round development to students. Greater diversity and choice suits the different needs, interests (e.g. with career aspirations) and abilities of students. Benefits of NSS Curriculum and Assessment

25 Replacing the HKCEE and HKALE with one public examination leading to HKDSE reduces the current over-emphasis on examining and gives more time to productive learning, and remedial or enhancement programmes. Continuous school-based assessment will complement the public examination and provide a more comprehensive assessment of students abilities.

26 Standards-referenced reporting will be adopted in the new pubic examination. Recognition and encouragement to courses that provide alternative pathways.

27 Curriculum Chinese Language % English Language % Mathematics % Liberal Studies min. 10% Core subjects: % Core subjects Time allocation

28 Elective subjects: Students can choose 2/3Xs including Career- oriented Studies (will be renamed as Applied Learning)

29 Table of Elective Subjects 1Chinese Literature 2Literature in English 3Chinese History 4Economics 5Ethics and Religious Studies 6Geography 7History 8Tourism and Hospitality Studies 9Biology 10Chemistry

30 11Physics 12Science 13Business, Accounting and Financial Studies 14Design and Applied Technology 15Health Management and Social Care 16Technology and Living (formerly named as Home Economics) 17Information and Communication Technology 18Music 19Visual Arts 20Physical Education

31 Progression of Studies Through sequencing of themes, induction of students to the subject & flexible time-tabling SBA to start in SS2 and exams at the end of SS3

32 Fundamental influences of curriculum design (1) Views of knowledge disciplinary interdisciplinary dynamic personal construction

33 Fundamental influences of curriculum design (2) Views of learning by acquisition contextualised & personal construction collaborative construction rich experiences enhance capacity to adapt to change

34 Fundamental influences of curriculum design (3) Needs of post-secondary education & work world Broad based & specialized knowledge Learning to learn capability Interpersonal skills

35 Main Changes from HKCEE/AL to NSS Subjects HKCEE/ALNSS LSelectivesadditional core subject on top of C,E,M No. of subjects HKCEE: 7-9 AL: /8 (SS1) subjects for most students Streaming No clear streaming. 2-3 electives from different KLAs/COS Subject level HKCEE/AL Most NSS subjects are HKCEE curricula + 1 year with AL standard Contents20% change in new contents on average (* LS) OLESome studentsAll students having OLE University Admission Criteria 2 langs+1-2 specified subjects Most university programmes require 4+1 (specified/unspecified), some 4+2 and student learning profile

36 University Admission Requirement Faculty/department details have already been announced in July 2006 Most programmes 4 Core subjects + 1 X (specified/unspecified), some 2/with Student Learning Profile Students taking 2 science electives would have room to take 3 rd elective from other KLAs

37 Other Time-Line Dec 2006 Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide – Other Learning Experiences 24 Curriculum and Assessment Guides for core & elective subjects

38 Other Learning Experiences (OLE)

39 Whole-person Development: A balanced development Chinese virtues (Ethics, Intellect, Physical development, Social skills and Aesthetics) Complement the examination subjects/career-oriented studies Build up life-long capacities To nurture informed & responsible citizenship To respect for plural values To adopt a healthy living style To develop career aspirations and positive work Aims & Expected Outcomes of OLE

40 Responses of schools to OLE in school leaders workshops (n=208) –Physical development - over 90% schools have 5% lesson time –Aesthetic development - 51% of schools have 5% lesson time –Vice-principals, ECA Masters, and MCE Masters likely to be the main coordinator of OLE in school, also SLP –All 208 schools have recording system of students 'non-academic' participation and achievement (via hard copy, WebSAMS … )

41 Issues of NSS for Special Educational Needs (SEN) Funding Post-secondary pathways (vocational education & training) Strategic implementation of NSS curriculum and assessment frameworks

42 Managing & Leading Change Critical milestones – certainties & uncertainties Communication means - Web bulletin - District focus groups - - Advisory bodies Coherence-making: JSEA, Education regulations/ordinance, MOI

43 How are schools supported ?

44 Basic Education Curriculum Guide KLA Curriculum Guides Curriculum & Assessment Guides Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide

45 Current Support Services offered by EMB QAD / REO / USP PDT USP CDI / USP School Development: School Development Plan Workload re-engineering SSE, ESR & post-ESR Principal Development: Principal professional development activities Teachers Reflective Practice: Mentoring Lesson study Action research Collaborative lesson preparation CDI USP REO Curriculum Development: School-based curriculum development (Primary & Secondary) Language learning Non-language KLAs & Primary GS Liberal Studies SEN (LA & GE) Reading, project learning, MCE ATT of NET School Development Capacity Building USP: University-school Partnership Prgrammes

46 Other Support Measures Professional development (in-service) programmes (annual calendar) Learning and teaching resources (packages, internet) Research and Development (Seed ) Projects Seconded Teachers Quality Education Fund Primary School Curriculum Leader Initiative

Professional Development Programmes for Secondary School Principals and Teachers (2006/07) Curriculum Development Institute Education and Manpower Bureau July ss%20pdp%20print%20e% doc

48 &langno=1


50 Challenges for schools

51 Balanced Consideration T E N S I O N S Short term and Long term Localization Vs Globalization Desirability and Feasibility Tensions among Academic, Personal, Social and Economic Goals of the Curriculum Central Curriculum Vs School-based Curriculum Knowledge Transmission Vs Knowledge Creation Competition Vs Co-operation Uniformity Vs Diversity and Flexibility Specialist Development Vs Whole-person Development Assessment for Selection Vs Assessment for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Student Learning and Quality of Teaching

52 Teachers are acquiring: * knowledge for practice * knowledge in practice * knowledge of practice Linking the individual learning to organizational learning Pressure & workload Image of profession Challenges for teachers

53 Education System School Place Allocation Systems Policy on Medium of Instruction Education System School Place Allocation Systems Policy on Medium of Instruction Impetus for Schools Capacity Enhancement Grant Teachers Professional Development Research and Development Projects / Seed Projects On-site Support Services Learning and Teaching Resources and Exemplars Impetus for Schools Capacity Enhancement Grant Teachers Professional Development Research and Development Projects / Seed Projects On-site Support Services Learning and Teaching Resources and Exemplars Curriculum Development and Student Learning Other Facilitating Factors Reform of Assessment, Public Exams University Admission System Resource Provision Employers Recognition Other Facilitating Factors Reform of Assessment, Public Exams University Admission System Resource Provision Employers Recognition The Core of Hong Kong Education Reform

54 EMB CDI Visit our

55 Enquiries


57 Your concerted efforts are to be anticipated and appreciated! Thank you ! We work together always