Measurement Metric Units
Write this down K H D unit D C M K stands for kilo ____________________ H stands for hecto _____________________ d stands for deka _____________________ d stands for deci _____________________ c stands for centi _____________________ m stands for mili _____________________ notice that there are 2 D’s and they each stand for something different
Place Value Chart vs. Metric System ThousandHundredsTensOnesTenthsHundredthsThousadnths KILOHECTODEKAUNITDECICENTIMILLI
Mnemonic Device King Henry Doesn’t Usually Drink Chocolate Milk! Illustrate a picture of King Henry drinking chocolate milk!
How to… To convert, start at the unit given and count over either left or right to the to unit needed. However many places you count and which way you move, is the amount of places and direction the decimal point is moved. Just like the hops when we multiply/divide decimals by 10 or 100.
Brainpop tions/metricunits/ tions/metricunits/
K H D unit D C M 32 kilograms = _____ grams How many places do we count to get to grams? What direction did we move?
K H D unit D C M 40 miligrams = ______ dekagrams
Practice A student desk: unit _______________________ estimate ________________ actual _______________
Practice… An eraser: unit _______________________ estimate ________________ actual _______________
Practice… The width of a coin: unit _______________________ estimate ________________ actual _______________
Practice… A pair of scissors: unit _______________________ estimate ________________ actual _______________
Practice… Brandon: unit _______________________ estimate ________________ actual _______________
Practice… Mr. M: unit _______________________ estimate ________________ actual _______________
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