Before you start, remember to match the numbers on the Back of the Balance Bottom of the Pan Bottom of the Swing
To zero the balance: Push riders all the way to the left Turn the dial to zero Turn the knob at the left To line up the pointers on the right
Place the object on the pan. Finding the Mass Move the riders making sure they sit in the notches Turn the knob Until the pointers line up
1. Count the marks to the RIGHT of the zero line. 2. Numbered marks are grams. 3. Small hash marks are tenths (.1) of grams This balance shows 4 grams This balance shows 7 tenths or.7 g. So far we have: 4.7 grams
The top scale measures hundredths (.01) of grams When the zero mark is between tenth marks on the dial, you then read the hundredths scale. Which mark on the hundredths scale Makes the best straight line with a mark on the dial?
You must look straight on at the dial to match lines correctly. These two marks seem joined the best to make a straight line. Count from the zero line on the top scale to find how many hundredths This scale shows:.06 g
Add all the values together for the mass This dial shows: 4.76 g
That’s it! Now you can read a Dial-a-Gram Balance! Oh wait -- don’t forget to add any riders you moved. hundreds tens (this is set at 50 g) Back to the beginning Back to home page