Investigation of Thermodynamic and Radiation Effects at Loading Intermetallic LaNi 5 by hydrogen Yu.N.Bazhutov 2, E.O.Belousova 3, A.Yu.Kazyonov 1, V.P.Koretsky, V.P.Martemianov 1, A.G.Parkhomov 3, A.D.Sablin-Yavorsky, Yu.A.Sapozhnikov 3, V.G.Tarasenkov 1, M.V.Zemlyakov 1 1 Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”; 2 Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation Institute RAS 3 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Detailed study of nickel - hydrogen system properties, provided by S.Focardi, F.Piantelli and others researchers, clearly showed that this system occurs not only chemical but also Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions. Based on these studies, installation emitting hundreds kilowatts of energy has been created with a very low hydrogen consumption. Novelty of our study lies in the fact that we study not pure nickel, but intermetallic compound type of LaNi 5. Its chemical composition was obtained more exactly by scanning electron microscope Jeol JSM OLV: (Al -0.4; Ni-77.3; Cu-5.5; La-11.6; Ce-5.2) %. This substance is more effective in its ability to absorb hydrogen than the nickel. It will allow to hope that the researched substance is more effective medium for cold transmutations than pure nickel.
Experimental Setup 1- vessel with protium - deuterium mixture, 2- manometer, 3 - cylindrical cell containing doped LaNi 5 powder, 4 - electric heater, 5 - collimator for gamma source, 6- offshoot to the vacuum pump, 7 - heater power regulator Left - a view with a complex of measuring apparatus, right – without it.
Equipment complex for radiation and thermal measurements
Typical course of interaction between doped LaNi 5 powder and hydrogen Hydrogen injection leads to a jump in pressure, which immediately begins to drop as a result of hydrogen absorption. This is accompanied by an increase of the cell temperature by several °C. At temperature 80°C begins a rapid release of absorbed hydrogen, resulting in rapid growth of the pressure. After reaching a temperature of 250°C, the pressure is almost stabilized. After cooling to room temperature, the pressure returns to a value close to the initial.
Equipment complex for radiation and thermal measurements
Synchronous bursts of count rate Excess of the count rate over the background at the counter with thin window is 50. Similar counter covered with teflon showed a synchronous response.
Bursts synchronously recorded by three detectors Strongest count rate bursts gave counter with a thin mica window - the excess above the background up to 200 times. Counter screened by teflon gave peaks in excess of 10 times higher than the background value. Splash of more than 4 times of the background gave the metal counter, screened by teflon,
Bursts of neutron detector count rate Neutron bursts in the process of heating of LaNi 5 sample at a pressure close to atmospheric. On the right the effect of 252 Cf neutron source is shown
Neutron bursts in the desaturation process of LaNi 5 sample after a drop in hydrogen pressure. Bursts of neutron detector count rate
X-rays and neutrons bursts on the "temperature-pressure" diagram Bursts occurred in the whole range of the achieved temperatures (from 18 to 650 o C) and pressures (from 0 to 56 bars.)
Prolonged increase in counting rate of Geiger counter The sample with very high degree of hydrogen saturation was used. It was irradiated by gamma rays from 137 Cs source. Соntinuous increase in counting rate of Geiger counter with a thin window was happened as well as long-term heat capacity of about 2 watts. The variation of pressure with temperature was also unusual.
Preliminary conclusions Heating and cooling in hydrogen LaNi 5 emits X-rays and neutrons. This indicates that in this matter there are not only chemical or structural changes, but also nuclear ones. The emission occurs mainly in the form of short bursts or series of bursts lasting up to several minutes. Emission bursts occur at a sufficiently high saturation with hydrogen - greater than one hydrogen atom per one LaNi 5 cluster. Bursts of radiation occur in a wide range of temperatures (from room temperature to 650°C) and pressures (from atmospheric pressure to 56 bars) Bursts of radiation occur at different ratios of deuterium - protium (from tenths of per cent up to 100%).