The value of work is something you should know about when? You’re 25 Now After Your First Job Never
When should you start your working career? 16 Sooner the BetterAfter High School 18
What do you have to offer to employers? EnthusiasmGood Attitude Good Work EthicAll of the above
First jobs are a great chance to gain: Work ExperiencePeople Skills Additional Training All of the above
Front line jobs are those that work with: ChildrenCustomers Professionals None of Above
Most people start at the _____ of the ladder TopMiddle Bottom Inside
Getting noticed on the job requires Bad AttendanceDoing Minimum Slacking None of Above
Rewards for a good job done include AppreciationPersonal Growth Self Worth All of the above
The most important thing about work is Getting MoneySomething to do Having a Purpose All of the above
Work is suppose to be StressfulBoring Dreaded None of above
Why work? Challenge/Succeed Obligation For Money To Meet People
$ Tips 1-3
Smart money management includes Save over time Budget Expenses Reduce Spending All of the above
Who makes more $ in a lifetime High school drop outs High School Grads No Difference All of above
Having a high school diploma gives you The best jobs around Guaranteed Job More opportunities Nothing Much
Your $ worth is determined by How much you spend How many credit cards $ in your wallet How much you save
$ Tips 4-6
Keeping track of your money can be done by Balance check book Knowing acct balance Opening a bank acct All of above
A budget should be done In your head On paper On computer B or C are correct
Overspending usually happens by buying A few big things Important items Many small things All of above
Making money grow can be done with a Checking account Piggy Bank Ferterlizer Savings Account
Which persons savings/investment will grow larger if all save equally? Conrad at age 18 Fayth at age 26 Tammy at age 35 Jonathan age 47
To be an adult is based upon Age Maturity Responsibility B & C are correct
Basic life skills include Cooking Cleaning Laundry All of above
Basic life skills should be learned when? After you move out When you’re 10 While still at home Never
As an adult, you can legally Sign a contract Sue or be sued Take out a loan All of above
Which is not a responsibility of adulthood? Insurance Taxes Bills Buying a lot
Adults are part of the community through Volunteering Voting Donating $ All of above
Adults play a _____ role in decision making within their community Small Unimportant Important None of above
Advantages to being a young adult include Making mistakes Trying new things Freedom All of above
Who should you be dependent on as and adult? Teachers Parents Friends Self
Customer service is an ________ Occupation Type of Job Attitude None of above
Customer service can be found where? In sales jobs In front line jobs As a cashier In all jobs
Poor employee performance includes Poor work ethic Blame Coworkers Shortcut Work All of above
Positive attitude includes Smiling Pleasant voice Being attentive All of above
It is important to search for _____ at work Money Fit Customers None of above
Customer service matters because it Can make or break a company Make & Keep Customers Increase Sales All of the above
The golden rule is to treat customers like Humans Royalty You would be treated None of above
Employees that care do this Point instead of show Say No Have bad attitude None of above
With angry customers, you should Get angry too Blame them Listen and solve Say no
Giving back to the community is the job of Adults Those with free time Everyone The Government
Adults with jobs should go when? When they feel like itWhen they need money They’re out of vacation days Everyday
$ from working is important to put towards BillsSavings Fun Stuff All of Above
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