The Globe At Night A Global Activity involving Light Pollution
Cloudy Night
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Magnitude Cloudy
How can I find Orion? One of the most recognizable constellations in the winter and spring sky is Orion, the great hunter. He is visible in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, although he seems to be standing on his head if you are looking at him from "down under." The easiest way to find Orion is to go outside in the evening and look in the southwest sky if you are in the northern hemisphere or the northwestern sky if you are in the southern hemisphere. You are looking for three bright stars close together in an almost- straight line. These three stars represent Orion's belt. The two bright stars to the north are his shoulders and the two to the south are his feet.
Finding Orion
Lighting Quality lighting should Maximize the desired effects: –Good vision –Good night ambiance Minimize the adverse effects: –Energy waste –Glare –Light trespass –Sky glow Keys to quality lighting See the effect, not the source. Shine the light down. No glare. Light only where and when needed. Don't over-light. Use energy efficient sources.
Build a Dobson Telescope MATOo&feature=relatedhttp:// MATOo&feature=related
Once in a Blue Moon Once in a Blue Moon... is a common way of saying not very often, but what exactly is a Blue Moon? According to the popular definition, it is the second Full Moon to occur in a single calendar month. The average interval between Full Moons is about 29.5 days, whilst the length of an average month is roughly 30.5 days. This makes it very unlikely that any given month will contain two Full Moons, though it does sometimes happen. On average, there will be 41 months that have two Full Moons in every century, so you could say that once in a Blue Moon actually means once every two-and-a-half years.