Metadata for Digital Video: DEVELOPING AN MPEG-7 DESCRIPTIVE APPLICATION PROFILE FOR DIGITAL VIDEO - -with mapping to Dublin Core Participants: ViDe Video Access WG Co-Chairs: Grace Agnew, Rutgers Dan Kniesner, Oregon Health & Sciences University Rutgers Libraries: Yang Yu, Database Programmer Ruth Bogan, Mary Beth Weber, Catalogers
Metadata for Digital Video: Definition of Metadata Data about Data Data that describes, defines or manages data Pure metadata has meaning only in relation to the primary data that is being described.
Metadata for Digital Video: Role of Metadata Facilitate organization, discovery, interpretation, preservation Enable implementer and end user to make sense of information: appropriateness, context, relative value –Shared understanding!
Metadata for Digital Video: METADATA SCHEMA Creates standardized metadata: Understandable by the archive and by the user-- shared understanding. Shareable across repositories Can be mapped to other schema to repurpose the metadata. Maintained by a standards body for durability and consistency
Metadata for Digital Video: METADATA SCHEMA COMPONENTS Data Element - Atomic Unit of Meaning- Community Defined Attribute - Refines, Extends, Interprets data element Value - Information unique to each data element instance Constraint - Order imposed on data element expression for consistency; semantic viability Label - contextual instance of data element name. How the data element displays on the web for the end user.
Metadata for Digital Video: METADATA RECORD Populated with information (value) Data Elements According to rules (Schema) Author:Agnew, Grace Data Element VALUEAACR2 Formatting Rule: Last name, first name.
Metadata for Digital Video: SCHEMA VS. APPLICATION PROFILE Application Profiles Customize standardized metadata to support community needs. Utilize one or more schema, but often add the communitys own data elements Define constraints, such as mandatory, recommended or optional; Develop controlled vocabularies, data types and formatting principles for information within each data element.
Metadata for Digital Video: CUSTOMIZING METADATA + Support for unique needs of users Adds to metadata universe of knowledge Supports unique commonalities among a distributed user base - May not be developed robustly Interoperability may be compromised
Metadata for Digital Video: Description Needs for Digital Video and Audio: Consecutive medium Contexual Metadata that changes over time as the information changes Media streamed in multiple formats (RealVideo, MPEG1, etc.) and stored on multiple publication formatstape, DVD, etc. Nontextual indexing (keyframe summaries, speech recognition, etc.) as important as textual indexing.
Metadata for Digital Video: Dublin Core: Evolved with the web itself Encourage web authors to put structured information in tags Goals: Simplicity and Interoperability Can be expressed as HTML or XML 15 optional, repeatable data elements Currently in version 1.1
Metadata for Digital Video: From Description of Dublin Core Elements 15 OPTIONAL, REPEATABLE ELEMENTS Dublin Core
Metadata for Digital Video: Provides a great deal of flexibility. Easy to learn. Ensures interoperability with other schemes. Good transport protocol when expressed as XML + - Lacks support for multiple formats Lacks support for seriality Technical description (formats, containers, extent, etc.) is weak and not standardized. Support for relationships (whole/part; sibling/related) is very weak How Useful is Dublin Core?
Metadata for Digital Video: Dublin Core Interoperability compromised because no consensus on valuese.g., how to fill the fields. ViDe Tried! Issued Video AP in 2001 Very functional but very complex. Violated the dumb down rule Decision: Dublin Core is not rich and functional enough for DV
Metadata for Digital Video: Synchronization between content and description Supports description for intellectual content and all physical versions of that content Recursive and hierarchicalwhole/part (segment) description. Strong support for related works Native XML with some customized extensions MPEG-7: Multimedia Content Description Interface
Metadata for Digital Video: MPEG-7 Description Tools Description Schemes (structure) and Descriptors (features)
Metadata for Digital Video: Start: 00:02:00;1 End: 00:07;32;7 Segment Title: introductory movement Start: 00:07:33;1 End: 01;02;53;2 Segment Title: Main Theme Start: 01:07:03;1 End: 01:33;6 Segment Title: Oboe Solo MPEG-7 - Metadata synched to media. MPEG7 AP for the MPEG4 Metadata stream recently released
Metadata for Digital Video: MPEG-7 Non-textual indexing - melody and speech recognition, color, shape, scene changes, etc. Textual format/Binary Format completely equivalent. You can use any functionality in textual or nontextual form.
Metadata for Digital Video: MPEG-7
Metadata for Digital Video: Does not support description of analog or textual resources High-level textual description of component parts (table of contents) does not exist. Some duplication of descriptive information across MPEG7 descriptive schemes Documentation, examples and widespread adoption as a descriptive metadata standard is weak. MPEG-7: Multimedia Content Description Interface
Metadata for Digital Video: PROBLEM: MPEG-7 highly functional but steep learning curve. Training, examples - nonexistent Dublin Core – simple to employ (although not simple to employ well!). Widespread use, but not enough value for DV
Metadata for Digital Video: The Structure of Information (IFLA) Work Expression Distinct intellectual or artistic creation Intellectual or artistic realization of a work (interpretation) Manifestation Item Unique physical instance of a manifestation. Physical manifestation of an expression. May differ in physical format, but not in content or interpretation
Metadata for Digital Video: Intellectual / artistic content Physical recording of content Single physical representation of a recording ABSTRACTIONABSTRACTION GONE WITH THE WIND Interpretation NovelMovieScript WORK EXPRESSION MANIFESTATION Paper PDF HTML 70 MM Film 35 MM Film DVD MPEG2 Copy in Blockbuster, Atlanta, GA 24 Reels of film, MGM Archive ITEM
Metadata for Digital Video: Dublin Core vs. MPEG7 – The Challenges MPEG7 is a structured, hierarchical schema. Work described in CreationInformation DS Manifestation/Item described in MediaInformation and UsageInformation DSs Dublin Core is a flat schema that mixes work or intellectual content with single manifestation/item description (1:1 principle)
Metadata for Digital Video: MANIFESTATION CREATOR TITLE SUBJECT DATE, etc. IDENTIFIER FORMAT RIGHTS IDENTIFIER FORMAT RIGHTS CreationInformation MediaProfile UsageAvailability MediaProfile UsageAvailability MediaInstance
Metadata for Digital Video: Work/Manifestation Manifestation Item MPEG-7
Metadata for Digital Video: MPEG-7 includes descriptive, technical and structural information Dublin Core – Descriptive only, except for rights MPEG-7 includes meta metadata (metadata about the record itself) Dublin Core has administrative metadata (A- Core) in development, for linking to descriptive metadata
Metadata for Digital Video:
CREATOR Person or body primarily responsible for content of the resource. Non-specificity of Dublin Core problematic: –Need for meaningful roles –issue of type--person, organization –contact information ViDe Decision: Add the attribute Role to Creator. Weakly supports the dumb down rule
Metadata for Digital Video: CREATOR MPEG-7 Creator includes: Role Agent DataType Agent DataType includes: Sub-types: PersonType; PersonGroupType; OrganizationType Can include contact information
Metadata for Digital Video: CREATOR MPEG-7 Speaker Grace Agnew
Metadata for Digital Video: CREATOR Dublin Core Grace Agnew Or Agnew, Grace
Metadata for Digital Video:
CREATOR DC Dumb Down Speaker and Grace Agnew
Metadata for Digital Video: DATE Date associated with an event in the lifecycle of a resource. Issue: in print world/legacy catalogs, date is used to filter for currency of information. In Dublin Core, Coverage is used instead. Issue: Date and country of release are important concepts for moving images, particularly feature films.
Metadata for Digital Video: DATE – A COMPLEX MAPPING: CreationInformation CreationCoordinates CreationDate CreationInformation Classification ReleaseDate MPEG-7: Dublin Core Date.Created Date.Issued Not AddressedDate of Digitization. Technical, rather than Descriptive metadata.
Metadata for Digital Video: Date of Creation Map
Metadata for Digital Video: Date of Release / Issue Map
Metadata for Digital Video: WE BROKE THE SCHEMA…
Metadata for Digital Video: Dilemma: MPEG-7 schema currently allows only one subject element per description … Answer: We edited the schema for our database and inserted a note explaining what we did: … SUBJECT
Metadata for Digital Video: … AND THE SCHEMA BROKE US
Metadata for Digital Video: MPEG-7 ISSUE – DURATION PROBLEM: MPEG-7 does not include a content description data element for Duration ViDe Solution: Duration is critical information for sequential media. Use SegmentDS, even though it is intended for Navigation & Access
Metadata for Digital Video: SegmentDS: Included in Navigation and Access: intended for nontextual bitstream processing.
Metadata for Digital Video: FORMAT: Part of the complex mapping doc!
Metadata for Digital Video: Next Steps: Release the database in May Cataloging utility for Moving Image Collectionslooking for small science DV collection! Refine, develop registry and users guide Develop music AP for Rutgers Institute for Jazz Studies collection Test in some Media Asset Management systems.
Metadata for Digital Video:
Validates all entries against the MPEG7 Schema for export
Metadata for Digital Video: MORE INFO Websites: People: