Programa de “Becas” Partnering Clubs: Rotary Club of Saskatoon Club Rotario Puerto Vallarta Sur
Star-Phoenix Headline, Feb. 20, 2010 “ Mexican kids drop out in droves …700,000 children in Mexico dropped out of school last year as recession-stricken families pushed kids to work, and a weak economic recovery will allow only slight improvement in the drop-out rate in 2010, a top education official said….. Poor families pull kids out of school to help put food on the table, and children often sell candy and crafts in the streets or work in restaurants.”
What is ‘Becas’? Started in 1996 Student sponsorship in Puerto Vallarta area Junior High through to University Good grades and financial need Partnering with local club, the Club Rotario Puerto Vallarta Sur Canadian connection through John Powell Sponsors from Mexico, Canada and the USA
Born: June 2, 1996 Father: Carpenter’s Helper Mother: Mother of the House Three sisters In 1 st year at Escuela Secundaria #81; last grades were 9.0 out of 10. “After school I do my homework, study and take my brother to school. I wish to attend university to study to become a architect or music teacher.” Luis Antonio Alba Mena Hodgins Family
Born: April 24, 1994 Father: Waiter Mother: Mother of the House 1 brother In 2 nd semester at Escuela Preparatoria CONALEP; last grades were 9.7 out of 10. “After school I do my homework, study and stay at home. I wish to attend university and study to become a lawyer.” Mariana Crisosto Flores Joy Adams Bauer
Thank-you to Student Sponsors! Joy Adams Bauer John Kearley Bernie Sonntag Peter Whitenect Peter and Elaine Zakreski (2) Avis Hardy Drew Byers Hodgins Family (2) Jim & Kathy Weber (3) Dave Sundby Bev Johnson Mark Gryba Gary Rusu Mary Beckett Wayne & Arlene Sanderson Pat Flaten
Fundraising Event: Fajita Fiesta! September at La Bamba Restaurant $50 supper, income tax receipt Social Silent auction Event sponsors Student Sponsors
Club Rotario Puerto Vallarta Sur Programa de “Becas” Dervilla Designs Ltd Thanks to our Event Corporate Sponsors!
Born: November 19, 1990 Father: Unemployed Mother: Mother of the House 1 brother and 1 sister. In 1 st year at Centro Universidada de la Costa; last grades were 8.1 out of 10. “After school do my homework, study, read and take extra English and dancing lessons. I wish to get a degree in physiology so I can help women.” Jazmin Rocio De Los Santos Castro Needs a sponsor
Annual Costs of Sponsorship Grades 7-9: $250 Grades 10-12: $300 University: $350
Personal Experience