C ONFIRMATION C LASS September 10, 2014
L ESSON 2: G OD AND C REATION What is a Creed? Creed = A statement of faith or belief
T HE G OD OF THE B IBLE Deuteronomy He is one God 2.He has made himself known to us as three persons Matthew 28.19
3. T HE G OD OF THE B IBLE IS TRIUNE TRI = 3 UNE = 1 a. The Father is my Creator b. The Son is my Redeemer (one who buys back) c. The Holy Spirit is my Sanctifier (one who makes holy)
Believing in God Romans To know about God. 2.To accept what God says is true. 3.To trust in him as my God James 1.21 Psalm But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.”
When I believe in Jesus Christ, then I believe in God Romans Faith in Jesus Christ comes from Hearing the Word of God
O NE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE IN J ESUS IS AN UNBELIEVER ( WHO MAY BELIEVE IN A GOD, BUT NOT THE TRUE G OD ): Word Heathen Atheist Agnostic Definition One who worships false gods (idols) One who says there is no god One who doesn’t know if there is a god
O NE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE IN J ESUS IS AN UNBELIEVER ( WHO MAY BELIEVE IN A GOD, BUT NOT THE TRUE G OD ): Word Superstitious Definition One who trusts in something other than God.
G OD THE C REATOR 1. God created (made out of nothing) all things, visible and invisible. 2. God created the world in six days Genesis 1 Colossians 1.16
G OD THE C REATOR 3. God created the world by the power of his Word 4. Everything God created was perfect 5. By faith we believe that God is the world’s Creator Genesis 1.31 Hebrews 11.3
G ENESIS G ENESIS 2.7 1: God created mankind in his own image (holy and perfect like God). Mankind is the highest of God’s creation, created to be ruler over all of God’s creation.
T HEORY OF E VOLUTION Unbiblical Unscientific visit:
Study Psalm 33 Word Study Bible Books Visit cles/nab/what-happened-to-the- dinosaurs#fnList_1_3 cles/nab/what-happened-to-the- dinosaurs#fnList_1_3 Assignment for next week
For the Quiz next time Review lesson 2 Memorize: VIP 2 Memorize: Lord’s Prayer (The First Petition) part A Hallowed be your name. What does this mean? God’s name is certainly holy by itself, but we pray in this petition that we too may keep it holy. This part b will be for the 17 th … How is God’s name kept holy? God’s name is kept holy when…