RIO MADRID Burgos garrido,Porras La Casta, Rubio A Sala, West8
Location: Madrid, Spain Site area: 1288,900 m2 Project cost : 310 euro/m2
Enviromental Regenarating the river bed (the river banks and course are recovered along the whole length as real areas for integration of the landscape and human activity)
Green layer Cutting CO 2 emissions (creating a tunnel for the motorway and planting 3400 trees decreases pollution by tons of CO 2 ) Minimum earthworks
Low consuption bushes Limitations of meadows and riverside woods( pine trees and the meadows are confined to areas closet to river bed and ornamental water areas ) Fixing systems and aeration tubes for roots Metal sheet bordering lawn areas
Flourescent strips set into the handrails (Fluorescent strip lighting has been fitted into the undersides of the galvanized steel handrails)
Social Bridge network Before After
Cycle path, pedestrian walkaway and recreational area (a total of 17 play areas use 65 differents elements) Activity network ( the operations integrates networks of amenities and services, sporting activities landscaped and recretional areas and several urban parks into the river´s area of influence)
Fast track and slow track Ramps on the contemrorary bridges Limitation the slopes (max slopes 4-6%) Large esplanade for events (platform for the celebration of all types of events which have the historic city as a backround)
Safety Concentrated lighting (one single lamp post holds all the light fixtures required for the footbridge) Video surveillance (the CCTV cameras,which are visible and approximately signalled follow the movements of the public in the proximity of the historic dams) Remodeling the areas around housing (removing level differences,paving the sidewalks and roads and organizing parking spaces and planstations in the nearby streets so as to smooth the transition from the park to the neighbourhood. The cast iron bollards protect the pedestrian paths from vehicle use)
Formal Observation deck Baroque garden Expressway Renovating the historical bridges City beach The cherry trees