ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 CIMA STATUS Rfi update 2009 ALFA Surveys Workshop Phil Perillat
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 Talk Outline CIMA status –CIMA versions –Position errs alfa outer beams in mock data. RFI: –Radars, Satellites, intermods. –Monitoring available at AO. Online: alfaSurveys09
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 CIMA Versions Moving to mock single pixel V3.2 includes functionality of previous versions. Lets you specify projid for commensal observer’s files. Requires update of config files for mock parameters. NameHighlights Mock 3.2Mock single Pixel rcvrs. Users:none Untested b.b Pulsar cals Users: p2030 pulsar search Smart 3.1 Smart basket weaving Users:alfalfa,ages,auds,galfacts, igalfa,
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 CIMA: Running wapps&mock Scan mode (start,stop many times): –Mocks start 3 secs after wapps and finish 3 secs after wapps. Scan takes 6 secs longer Continuous mode (start once, leave running) –alfalfa/p2030 –Wapps run scan mode, mocks started once and left running. No impact on wapp running. Single pixel: –Wapp IF=250/275, Mock IF=325 so can’t be run together (Not so nice for pulsar verification). Will fix this in the future.
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 ALFA outer beam position errors in Mock fits files Problem only in mock fits files: cima and psrfits. azPos= azCenter + azBmOffGc/sin(za) –azBmOffGc= -azLen0*cos(th) –Th=(beamNum-5)*60 - rotationAngle Error was: –azPos= azCenter + azBmOffGc*sin(za) –Th=(beamNum-5)*60 + rotationAngle –All positions then back computed from az,za When problem was fixed: –1/sinza: 17nov09 cimaV2.01,psrfVer:3.41 –Rotation Error: 01dec09. cimaV2.02, psrfVer:3.42 –See -->30nov09 –Will write program to correct positions in files.
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 Rfi Known culprits Radars: ( –1330/1350 faa radar –(1261/1246),(1256,1242) Aerostat balloon –(1270),(1290) remy radar (1 or the other) –(1232,1274,1241,1256) punta salinas modeA
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 Global Navigation Satellites SatelliteCarrierNotes GPS L Pcode:10.23 Mhz L2C: 1Mhz Glonass L k*Fs k=-7,13 Fs=437.5 Khz Std:.511 Mhz hiAccuracy:5.11 Mhz Compass BPSK: Mhz Galileo:(E ) commercial service coded. Giove-B launched 27apr08 uses E6.(5.115 Mhz) till 18mar09.
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 GPS Mhz Glonass L2 and compass. Examples of rfi with alfa/mocks
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 Compute intermods first alfa mixer to 10 th order Use 1375 Mhz cfr – galfacts,auds,ages,p2030. Use 1385 Mhz cfr – alfalfa, p2030 commensal Examples of intermods: Auds:1375,1402,1425,1475,1480 birdies. Complete table of 1 st mixer mocks/wapps, 2 nd mixer mocks ods_pdev.html Mock/Wapp 1 st Mixer Radar Intermods Rdr Freq: 1233 Ps 1242 PS Aero 1248 PS 1257 PS Aero 1246 Aero 1261 Aero 1270 Rmy 1290 Rmy 1330 FAA 1350 FAA Mock Wapp
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 Alfa long recovery times Alfa amps were taking > 30 secs to recover from radar saturation. sep09 bias adjusted, recovery < 1sec Oct09 alfa brought to labs, leds installed in amps. In lab this fixed the problem. Verification of recovery times waiting for final led bias adjustments.
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 Rfi Monitoring at AO location= –Rfi: fractional occurrence by month (wapp,icorr data) Using telescope data, compute the fraction of time the rms noise in a channel is 3 sigma > than expected. Display is a histogram of fractional occurrence vs frequency –Rfi: hilltop monitoring. Plots of previous day. Uses spectrum analyzer and an omni directional antenna. Tsys is about 1000K, Channel width=3 Mhz, 60 sec peak holds. /pkg/aosoft/common/bin/imgui to display individual spectra (on AO computers) of any date. Screen shot of program with data from a2133 data 18apr09
ALFA Surveys Workshop: december 2009 Summary CIMA Write programs to correct alfa outer beam positions for mock fits files (cimafits and psrfits)., Commensal observering using 2 mock spectrometers might want to migrate to Version mocksp so they can specify the 2 nd project id filename(may not be worth it). Running mocks and wapps together, mocks start, finish 3 seconds after wapps. Rfi GNS satellites at cause rfi IDL routines to measure distance from beam. Probably can go a few days into the future and still have reasonable error. Radar intermods occuring in 1 st /2 nd mixing stages. Questions?