PV plant in Campardo Landfill how to put together several municipalities in a joint project PVPP linked to the lighting systems Alessandro ing CHIES Veneto Municipality Reference Group Valencia, 07 September 2010
The group of municipalities CIT – Consortium for the waste management – –Born in 1983 –Joins 44 municipalities –All the north of Treviso province Veneto Region
The main idea CIT Manages a medium landfill which is in post-mortem state. Building a PV system on the landfill can be an interesting bussiness activity for the consortium. A choice: one single big plant (1-2MW) managed and owned entirely by the consortium or…
... the cooperative choice Divide the landfill in several parts and build 40 to 50 PV plants < 20kWp each. Each plant will be owned by one of the associated Municipality The incentive tariff is always maximum (PA exception for the incentive tariff). The CIT collects the incentive tariff, the municipalities owns the energy.
The landifll sqm Status: post mortem Very low polluted liquids Very low methane production
The PV power plant 50 PVPP up to 20kWp each Low voltage generation One single grid injection point One single power transformer
The PV power plant Panels disposed in order to leave access to the pumps and wells Proper south orientation Poly-Si standard technology
The incentive tariff for 2011 Giving the ownership to the municipalities, will gain the maximum incentive tariff for that size of PVPP (always integrated - financial law 2008). The 20kWp is the best trade off between the size of the plant and the value of the incentive tariff. 01/01 – 30/0401/05 – 31/0801/09 – 31/12 kWpROOFotherROOFotherROOFother 1<P<30,4020,3620,3910,3470,3800,333 3<P<20 0,377 0,339 0,360 0,322 0,342 0,304 20<P<2000,3580,3210,3410,3090,3230, <P<10000,3550,3140,3350,3030,3140, <P<50000,3510,3130,3270,2890,3020, <P0,3330,2970,3110,2750,2870,251
The power utilization Public lighting system was abandoned for several years. The state of the art is much ahead compared to the state of the lines… Introducing LED, LEP and alhogenuric lamps can decrease significantly the amount of power required.
The new lightning system LEDs or LEP based –Very high efficiency (>100 lm/W) & Very long life (> hrs) Smart dimming (with no human presence light will be reduced to up to 80%) Digital communication and remote monitoring on optical fiber in the pipes. Advanced vibration monitoring (giroscope) for ground movements detailed sampling
Join the strengths Electric energy production during the day and injection into the grid at the maximum energy value; Use electricity from grid for lighting during the night when its cost is very low; PVPP of 20kWp can provide energy for up to 200 LEDs street lamps (SMART DIMMING, SMART LIGHTNING).
Specific benefits The Public Administration always has the higher PV incentive tariff (for that class of plant size) +5% in incentive tariff if in landfills thanks to the actions of PVsInBloom +5% if the plant is owned by a small municipality (<5000 citizens)
Specific benefits +20% if the owner of the plant will provide to the grid manager the quantity of energy injected the next day with an uncertainty of up to 10%.
Business model CIT makes completely the investment (this help the municipality that cannot invest so easily now (stability pact); Cit will keep entirely the incentive tariff (in this way will obtain % + 5% = instead of % = €/kWh
Business model The municipalities owns the energy thanks to a law that allows for the municipalities to inject power in a site different of the utilization one.
Cash flow A single 20 kWp PVPP has this incomings: YearProductionIncentive tariffEnergy utilizationMEE [kWh][€][kWh][€] , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,62 …………… , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,08 Tot , , , ,88 x 50 PlantsProductionIncentive tariffMEETotal INs Tot , , , ,50
Business return A single 20 kWp PVPP has this cash flow: Self financedWith Bank FinanceWith Leasing [€] YearMOLRAIFlowRAIFlowRAIFlow 0 -88' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' …………………… 2017' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Tot359' ' ' ' x 50 PlantsSelf FinancedBankLeasing MOLRAI Tot17,979,686, , , ,50
Business return Budget indicators on a single 20 kWp plant: Capital BudgetingBenchmark With self financing Years € 81'743.82€ 94' VAN OK 15.75%16.08% IRR OK 7 PBT 12.62%12.35% ROIOK 12.62%12.35% ROEOK With Bank financing € 67'326.39€ 77' VAN OK 13.19%13.30% IRR OK --- PBT 12.62%12.35% ROIOK With Leasing € 69'719.83€ 81' VAN OK 13.58%13.90% IRR OK --- PBT 12.62%12.35% ROIOK
Business breakeven The breakeven of the investment is: 8 years
Conclusion Thanks for the attention