Stress Stressor - One that causes stress. Stressee - One that is stressed. Stress - Body’s response to change.
Self Assessment 1. I understand the sources of stress in my life. 2. I am aware of my physical responses to stress. 3. I try to see problems as a challenge. 4. When everything around me seems overwhelming, I try to accomplish one small task to help me get back on track. 5. I have someone to talk to when I begin to feel stress. 6. I take time each day to relax and free my body and mind of stress. 7. I engage in regular exercise at least three times per week. 8. I am able to laugh at myself 9. I try not to overreact to comments that are made to me. 10. I am committed to meeting my daily goals and I do my best to remain focussed. 11. I follow a healthy, balanced diet.
More Definitions Eustress - Positive use of stress. Distress - Negative use of stress. Adrenaline - A hormone that causes a rush of energy in times of excitement. Coping - Acting to deal with a problem or difficulty.
Life Change Units
Personality Types Where do you find yourself in this continuum?
Stress Effects Ulcer A digestive ailment that is often related to stress. Migraine Headache A severe headache that can be triggered by stress.
Mental Awareness Identify the problem Consider your options Evaluate the outcomes Decide and Act Review your Decision
Nutrition Effects on Stress Being well nourished promotes a feeling of well-being and provides the energy to cope with stress. It is best to eat more lightly during times of high anxiety because the digestive system slows down in response to stress. Avoid skipping meals.
Mental Disorders I have more good experiences than bad experiences each day. I am usually satisfied with the work that I do and how others respond to my work. I experience “blue moods,” but they usually do not last very long. I feel comfortable with the way i express my emotions. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and make an effort to do so. I would seek out professional help if I thought I needed it for a mental health problem. I take time to tell others that I appreciate what they do for me. I am a good friend who can be relied upon during a time of crisis. I am satisfied with the way I deal with daily problems. I believe that I demonstrate characteristics of an emotionally healthy person.
Functional Disorders A violent or tragic experience that can severely affect a person’s mental health. What are some examples? Mental Trauma Mental Disorders that stem from a persons environment.
Types of Mental Disorders NeurosisPsychosis DementiaDelerium A mental disorder characterized by a distorted perception of reality. Mental derangement characterized by loss of touch with reality - worse than neurosis A severe irreversible loss of mental ability - similar to memory loss. Confusion and lose awareness of their environment.
Adolescent Depression Down or irritable mood most of the day, nearly every day. Noticeable changes in appetite and weight. Difficulty sleeping at night or sleeping during the day. Daily fatigue Long Term feelings of guilt or worthlessness Concentration problems Persistent thoughts of death or suicide.
Phobias Look at the following list and list three or four phobias that you might have.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Unwanted thoughts or emotions Obsessions are persistent thoughts that interrupt normal thinking. Compulsions are urgent, repeated behaviors connected to obsessions Post Traumatic Stress Disorder