S T R E S S ? ? ?
We lost our best aircraft! How are they going to pay my wages? What if I’m sued! We all have Stress Stress
Ever have days like this?
Stress is different things to different people
A force placed upon an object to cause straining, bending, or breaking Engineering The body’s response to the demands placed upon it Hans Selye Anything that prods worries thrills scares or threatens us Stress is
Stress may be Acute Intense but short duration
Heart Rate increases Blood pressure increases Breathing becomes rapid and shallow Muscles tense Person becomes pale Skin becomes cold and clammy Adrenaline+ is pumped into bloodstream Digestion ceases Physiological Effects of Stress Can become Hysterical Traumatized
Or Stress may be Acute Intense but short duration Chronic Frequent reoccurrence and/or long duration
Time for a test Is this Acute or Chronic?
Time for a test Is this Acute or Chronic?
Time for a test (A tough one) Is this Acute or Chronic?
The Stress Curve WB49 STRESS PERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE Yerkes - Dawson Curve Adapted by G. Dupont Basic Living Stressors Basic Job Stressors Capacity To Cope Caution Distress Danger No No Stress
Good Stress Not in WB
Effects of Excess Stress High Blood Pressure High Incidents of Heart Attack Depressed Immune System Stomach Ulcers Hypertension Poor Work Performance Marriage Breakups Nervous Breakdown Suicide
Life Event Stress Rating 1.Death of a spouse or child100 6.…………….come into a large sum of money Change 17. Change 18. Change 21. Change Shows only 40 of 100s that effect us in our lives Who does not like change? The Adult or the Child? Fill out the Evaluation but remember to subtract 5 points for each month since the event occurred down to 0 No one has 0 because #26..ending a training program, gives you 25 points
Life Event Stress Rating A Score below 100 = Life is Good A Score 101 to 150 = 30% chance A score of 151 to 300 = 50 % chance Over 301 = 80% chance Chance of a significant illness within the next year
Our Ability to Cope – High Stress Indicators Give each symptom a value of 0 to 3 as indicated and total up your score 8 or less = Low – You are in control 9 to 23 = Moderate - Could use a little help 24 or more = High – Stay awake for this session
Dealing with Stress “If we don’t manage Stress, Stress will manage us” Just remember MOM’s advise Take a deep breath Listen to the Rational Mind Look at the problem Rationally What can you change? Act. Don’t put it off. Do it one planned step at a time
Other Stress Reducers Exercise, Exercise, Exercise Have a hobby Talk to someone Take a holiday or “mini vacation” Write things down and work on what you have control of Have a pet
But choose the right pet
Other Stress Reducers Exercise, Exercise, Exercise Have a hobby Talk to someone Take a holiday or “mini vacation” Write things down and work on what you have control of Have a pet Meditation Country & Western Music ! ! ! And
Definition of Insanity Any person or company who keeps applying the same solution to the same problem and expecting a different outcome