Taking Care of the Self: We All Need Stress Reduction
Starting SUDS scale Least Stressful Most Stressful How are you feeling right now?
After completion of the course participants will be able to: 1. Identify the different personality types, and its affect on learning and performance in the work and home environment. 2. Identify different types of stress and how to best approach stressful situations. 3. Develop a strategy for using stress management principles and stress reduction techniques to improve worker performance. 4. Identify concrete techniques and strategy for professionals designed to address impaired worker performance. 5. Set up a stress management routine.
What is your personality style? How do you react to stress? How can you use this information to better communicate with others at work and at home?
Type AType B RigidFlexible/Moldable Focus on the EndFocus on Doing Like SystemsIndividualistic Clear Rules and Guidelines Open/Flexible Decision Making Detail OrientedConcept Oriented PlannedSpontaneous Patterned NeatnessComfortable
Type AType B
What are your strengths, weaknesses, feelings and values? Are you able to identify these same factors in others, regardless of whether you agree? Do you know where your "habit roots" or "expectations" came from?
Are you comfortable with the thought of being alone or being isolated from others? Do you carry patterns of behavior from work to home? Do you recognize and immediately address confusing words in conversations?
Do you have someone you can talk things over with? Can you help others solve their own problems? Have you rehearsed different ways and are you comfortable with saying "No"? Do you know the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness?
Physiological (encountering a fire in your home) Psychological (death of a family member) Stress is a normal reaction that occurs routinely in all of us, problem stress is exaggerated beyond the stressor.
Exercise Sleep Diet
Negativistic attitudes. A loss of concern for people you previously cared about. An exaggerated fear of change or innovation. An over-riding concern others are out to get you. The adult bully-pit!
A superior "know it all attitude" and a slow withdrawal from the support system. Begin to openly discuss with others that you want another marriage, job, etc.
A tired feeling, no relief in- sight, impaired performance, absenteeism, personal withdrawal. Plan ways to get out or leave, even if it is just to be in a different setting.
Divorce Marriage Death School pressures Moves and other changes
Take regular vacations to recharge your batteries. Force yourself or schedule mental health days in advance.
Regular exercise. Get involved in entertainment activities outside of your job and family. Allow for "time out" entertainment activities outside of your immediate family.
Develop a "support line" and structure your time so that it provides for a variety of activities. Eat smaller meals spread out throughout the day.
Learn to identify and change unwanted emotions. Learn to identify those (either knowingly or not) that help to increase stressful responses from you.
Learn to use humor and accept the need for others to also use humor as a tension reliever.
What was: The band that played it and the year the album was released? The singer and author of the song? The movie that inspired the song? The drug that was being described?
Jefferson Airplane 1967 Album Written by Grace Slick Movie inspiration was Alice in Wonderland and the sequel “Through the Looking Glass” Drug LSD and Psychedelic Mushrooms
Negatives In…Positives Out Summarization
Make a list of things that you enjoy doing and carry it with you!
Rosemary Lavender
Five times a day Five Times in a row Select your mantra
Starting SUDS scale Least Stressful Most Stressful How are you feeling right now?