Sustainability and Climate Change Reduce energy & cut your costs A guide for Kent schools
Sustainability and Climate Change Since 2004 Kent school electricity consumption has increased by 50%
Sustainability and Climate Change School Energy Use
Sustainability and Climate Change How much energy are you using? Eco-Schools and Sustainable Schools Eco-Schools in Kent KCC support Read meters regularly Input readings to Systemslink Review monthly trends - consumption and cost Your Display Energy Certificate shows how efficiently you use energy A rating (very efficient) to G rating (very poor)
Sustainability and Climate Change Get everyone involved Finance staff can monitor trends in consumption and costs and champion energy efficiency actions Finance staff can engage the headteacher and governing body to consider investments to save energy and cut costs Caretakers and building managers can improve efficiency eg improve control of heating, replace lightbulbs All staff can switch off equipment when not in use Pupils can monitor switch off habits, create posters and signs to remind everyone to conserve energy Reducing energy requires everyone to make an effort
Sustainability and Climate Change Stop Wasting Energy 10%-20% of schools energy is wasted Ensure good switch off habits by staff and pupils Switch off lighting in areas with good natural light ‘How Low Can You Go’ days have achieved up to 86% reductions in energy used in a single day.
Sustainability and Climate Change Invest to Save Low cost improvements: –Switch to lower energy light bulbs and fluorescent tubes –Timer switches on printers, copiers and vending machines Use KCC Energy Efficiency Loan fund: –Interest free loan paid for from energy savings –Projects which payback in 5 years or less –Lighting, insulation, draughtproofing etc To discuss contact
Sustainability and Climate Change Renewable Energy Only recommended if you have addressed energy efficiency – high cost/low payback Many companies are offering free panels These companies recoup costs by receiving the government feed-in-tariff money The terms & conditions vary greatly Please act with caution and obtain advice from KCC Property Group if you are considering this
Sustainability and Climate Change Request a visit to your school: Deborah Kapaj Sustainable Estates Programme Manager Discuss energy efficiency projects and funding: Steve Baggs Deputy Energy Manager, Laser Telephone Contact us