Wednesday, Feb. 19 th : “A” Day Thursday, Feb. 20 th : “B” Day Agenda Homework Questions/collect (pg 459: #1-8) Sec quiz: “What is a Solution?” Lab discussion and write-up: “Paper Chromatography of Colored Markers” Lab: “Paper Chromatography of Colored Markers” Homework: Finish lab questions using complete sentences!
Sec quiz: “What is a Solution?” You may use your notes, your book, and a lab partner of your choice to complete the quiz… May the Force be with you!
Lab: “Paper Chromatography of Colored Makers” Purpose In this lab, you will use paper chromatography to separate and determine the different color dyes found in 6 different water-soluble markers; you will design a method for keeping the chromatography paper upright in the developing solution; using data, you will determine which pen the bank robber used to write the note.
Lab Write-Up: “Paper Chromatography of Colored Makers” 1.Title 2.Purpose 3.Hypothesis 4.Materials 5.Procedure 6.Reflection Statement Don’t forget to update your table of contents…
Lab: “Paper Chromatography of Colored Markers” Discussion You will test 3 different colored markers of your choice as well as 3 different black markers. The supply table contains items that you may use to design a method for keeping the chromatography paper upright in the developing solution. Make sure to use complete sentences when answering all lab questions.
Lab: “Paper Chromatography of Colored Markers” “Extensions” Question You will test part of the bank robber’s note. You may need to talk with other lab groups to figure out which one of the markers was used to write the note.