Group III
1. Energy pie of Europe 2040
Pertroleum will decrease because there will be less oil deposits in the world Natural gas will grow because there are natural gas deposits which are not used at the moment Coal will decrease because it will run out Nuclear energy will grow because it produces a lot of energy
2. Energy saving tips
1.The simpliest thing you can do is switching off the power of electrical entertainment devices if you are not using them. You can also switch off the stand-by mode, because it wastes a lot of energy.
2.Using energy saving bulbs decreases energy used for about 70%. If you do not want to change all your bulbs just try to remember about turning the lights out.
3. Studies show that for every $1 property owners invest in solar energy, they save from $3 to $5 in a long run. Wind power is effective too. A 2010 University of Vermont study brought together data for 119 wind farms and found that on average they produce almost 20x the energy used to build them; twice as good as coal. They are not popular nowadays, but we hope that it will change soon.
What can you do with 1MW Drive 1000 km Make light bulbs shining Cook 4000 meals
This presentation is been made by: Weronika Wieczorek Gracjan Kolodziej Ella Tuomi Hannes Frisch Risto Menges Izolde Krukle