Genesis Lesson 22
Arrival in Egypt Joseph told Pharaoh the family had arrived Pharaoh asked their occupation Made chief shepherds over Pharaoh’s herds Pharaoh blessed Jacob
Famine Still Severe All money exchanged for grain No money left to purchase grain Flocks and herds exchanged for grain Next year Still famine No money, no flocks Exchange land for grain Taxed 1/5 of production
Israel in Goshen Grew and multiplied exceedingly Jacob 147 years old Please do not bury me in Egypt Joseph promised “I will do as you have said”
Jacob’s Blessing Joseph takes his sons to Jacob Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh They shall be as my own sons Ephraim, the younger, shall be the greater Through his sons, Joseph gets a double portion
Future of the Sons Rueben: Acknowledged as his firstborn, the beginning of Jacob’s strength he was unstable as water and would not excel because he had defiled his father’s bed in committing fornication with Bilhah. Simeon / Levi: named as brethren because of their cruelty. Jacob cursed their anger and wrath because it was fierce and cruel. They would be divided and scattered in Israel. (Remember Shechem)
Future of the Sons Judah: The scepter would not depart from Judah (49:10) His brethren would praise him and bow before him. Compared to a lion in different stages of life. Through his lineage Christ would come. Zebulun: Would dwell on the sea and be a haven for ships, and his border would be Zidon. Issachar: Compared to a strong donkey carrying two burdens. Would become a servant to tribute.
Future of the Sons Dan: Would judge his people (one of the judges of Israel – Samson). Referred to as an adder by the way (snake in grass) Judges 18:27 Gad: A troop would overcome him, but he would overcome in the end. Asher: His bread would be fat and he would yield royal dainties. Naphtali: A hind (dear) let loose. He would give goodly words.
Future of the Sons Joseph: A fruitful bough. Would be made strong by God even when others hated him. Blessings would prevail upon him. Benjamin: As a raving wolf in the morning would devour the prey. At night he would divide the spoil.
Jacob Dies Request for burial cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite as a possession for a burial place Others buried there Abraham Sarah Isaac Rebekah Leah
Jacob’s Burial Embalmed by Egyptians Mourned for seventy days Large Egyptian entourage accompanied Joseph and family to bury Jacob Buried, as requested, in cave of Machpelah
Back in Egypt Brothers fear reprisal Plead with Joseph "Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive”
Joseph Dies Special request you shall carry up my bones from here Egyptians embalm Joseph Place him in a coffin Joseph is 110 years old
Remember the Promises ""I am dying; but God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land to the land of which He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob."
The Battle For The Soul Speaker Periods of Bible History
Before The Flood Genesis 1-5
The Flood Genesis 6-10
Scattering of the People Shinar Genesis 11 Tower of Babel
Patriarchs Abraham Ur Haran Canaan
Patriarchs Abraham Isaac Jacob Canaan Joseph Egypt
Exodus after 400 years Moses plagues on Egypt Nation Promise Fulfilled Covenant Law Tabernacle Priesthood A Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph “Go!!”
Wandering in Wilderness 40 years of wandering Spies sent into Canaan Miriam and Aaron die Moses sins Balaam and Balak Joshua appointed
Wandering in Wilderness Canaan Conquered the Eastern side Moses sees the land and dies on Mt Nebo Joshua is ready to enter the Promised land
Invasion and Conquest Northern campaign Central campaign Southern campaign Land is divided Land promise fulfilled
Judges Rebellion Repression Repentance Rescue ‘We want a king’
United Kingdom Israel Saul 1040 – 1000 B.C. David 1000 – 960 B.C. Solomon 960 – 920 B.C.
Divided Kingdom Israel North 10 tribes Jeroboam All evil kings Judah South 2 tribes Rehoboam Few good kings X
Divided Kingdom Israel fell in 721 B.C. to Assyria
Judah Alone Judah 721 – 586 B. C. X
Captivity Judah taken into Babylon 1 st group in 606 B.C. 2 nd group in 597 B.C. 3 rd group in 586 B.C. 70 years
Return from Captivity Palestine Zerubbabel in 536 B.C. Ezra in 458 B.C. Nehemiah in 445 B.C.
Years of Silence Palestine Amos 8:11 ‘a famine of hearing the word of God’ ???
Life of Christ Years of Preparation (30 years) Beginning of Ministry (6 months)
Life of Christ Great Galilean Ministry (18 months)
Life of Christ Periods of Retirement (6 months) Close of Ministry (6 months)
Life of Christ Last Week Resurrection and Exaltation
Early Church Jerusalem Judea Samaria Acts 2:38
Early Church The Gospel expands to Asia Minor
Letters to Christians...across the Aegean Sea
Letters to Christians travels of Paul, Silas, Timothy, Luke
Letters to Christians …and on to Rome letters by Peter, Paul, James, Jude, John