European Commission: DG Environment Integrating CC mitigation into sustainable development Jürgen Lefevere International and Institutional Coordinator Climate, Ozone and Energy Unit Environment Directorate General European Commission Brussels, Belgium
European Commission: DG Environment Overview Key components for integrating CC mitigation into sustainable development l Policy & policy strategy l Institutions & dialogue l Public awareness
European Commission: DG Environment Policy & policy strategy
European Commission: DG Environment European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) l Objectives m Identify and develop cost effective elements of EU strategy to meet our Kyoto target & reduce emissions post-2012 l Major Milestones m Launch March 2000 m 2nd phase started on 24 October 2005 (working groups on review, aviation, transport, adaptation and carbon capture and storage) l Major Achievements m EU Measures currently in implementation: Mt CO 2 eq./year m Almost 40 new policies and measures implemented, more in pipeline
European Commission: DG Environment The EUs post-2012 strategy l Build on Kyoto – using its successful elements, including flex. mechs l Broaden participation l Include more sectors and all gases l Deploy and develop technologies l Adapt to the effects of residual climate change Winning the Battle against Global Climate Change 9 February 2005 Environment & European Council Conclusions March 2005, October 2005 and March 2006
European Commission: DG Environment Integrating CC and Development EU Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change and Development (Nov 2004) l Four strategic priorities, translated into specific actions and sub-actions: m Raising the policy profile of climate change m Support for adaptation to climate change m Support for mitigation and low greenhouse gas development paths m Capacity development.
European Commission: DG Environment Institutions and dialogue
European Commission: DG Environment EU Institutions & dialogue l European Commission Climate Change Inter-service Group Climate Change and External Relations Inter-service Group …….informal dialogue and good contacts between services l Council European Council, integration in other Council formations (Agriculture, Competitiveness, Energy, Development) l Stakeholder dialogues European Climate Change Programme Action on Climate Change Post-2012
European Commission: DG Environment Public Awareness
European Commission: DG Environment Public Awareness Campaigns l Green Week 2005 l New 4.5 million CHANGE campaign to be started in mid-2006 (Saatchi&Partners), focus on contribution individuals to solving CC, material made available free of charge for others to use l European Mobility Week 2006
European Commission: DG Environment Conclusions
Conclusions Vital drivers for integration l Public awareness l High-level political attention l Knowledge of impacts of climate change l Knowledge of opportunities of climate change l Policy tools that integrate climate change into business decisions – emissions trading
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