NGfL CYMRU GCaD On the next slide choose a number and work out the question in response to the answer given. Click once on the number to check if your answer is correct. NEXT
NGfL CYMRU GCaD How can we preserve our forests? Use wood from sustainable sources How can we reduce the amount of heat lost from a building through the walls? Wall insulation What natural roof insulation is also good for wildlife? Turf roof What can we use to cut down on the amount of electricity used to light a building? Energy saving light bulbs What is the term used for building materials that have been used before and can be reused on other projects? Reclaimed materials What can we use to make energy from the sun? Solar panels What kind of toilets can we use to reduce the amount of water we use? Low flush toilets Solarpanels Solar panels 2Reclaimed materials materials 1 Lowflush Low flushtoilets 3 Wallinsulation 4 Energysaving Energy saving lightbulbs light bulbs 5 Usewoodfrom Use wood fromsustainablesources 6 How can we make sure electricity isn’t wasted when we leave lights on? Sensored lights Turfroof Turf roof 7 How can we use our weather to make electricity? Wind turbines Sensoredlights Sensored lights 8Windturbines 9