Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 Million tonnes of CO 2 Outbound flights only2.53 Apply 1.9 RFI*4.80 Surface Access0.12 On-site activities0.04 Grand Total4.96 *RFI = Radiative forcing index - Latest IPCC advice on climate change impact of air travel is 1.9 X CO 2. This excludes the impact on cirrus cloud formation Stansted CO 2 Emissions
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference m 7m 12m Current use Full use R1 R1 +R2 Million tonnes of CO 2 per annum Stansted CO 2 Emissions
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 Switching off all street lights in Essex all the time would save 19,000 tonnes CO 2 p.a. Equates to only 1 day full use of the Stansted runway Street Lighting
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 Hadyard Hill is the largest wind farm in the UK today and saves 300,000 tonnes CO 2 p.a....but this equates to only 16 days full use of the Stansted runway Alternative Energy
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 Alternative Energy Save 4.5m tonnes of CO 2 p.a. Equates to only 235 days full use of the Stansted runway All offshore & onshore wind farms in the UK
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 Full use of the Stansted runway would eliminate the savings from 350 million low energy light bulbs Low Energy Lighting
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 A year’s driving in a typical family car will produce 3 tonnes of CO 2 Full use of the Stansted runway would produce as much CO 2 as 2.3 million typical family cars On the Road
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 Full use of the Stansted runway would produce as much CO 2 as 1.4 million family homes An average UK family home produces 5 tonnes of CO 2 p.a. In the Home
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 To offset the CO 2 emissions from full use of the Stansted runway we would need to... Recap
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference build 23 new wind farms each as big as Hadyard Hill – the UK’s largest covering 12 square kms Either: Recap
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference replace 350 million conventional light bulbs with low energy bulbs or: Recap
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference take 2.3 million cars off the road or: Recap
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 or: Recap... close down 1.4 million homes (more than all the homes in Essex, Hertfordshire and Suffolk)
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 But that’s not enough... We need to dramatically reduce our CO 2 emissions UK target is 60% reduction by 2050 Needs to be achieved globally to stabilise atmospheric CO 2 levels
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 All these comparisons are simply for full use of the Stansted runway For a second runway the numbers would be far more worrying Remember!
Think Global – Act Local SSE Community Conference 2007 Climate change is now inevitable The best we can do is to prevent catastrophic climate change Everyone must play a part Aviation/BAA cannot be exempt Conclusion