Sustainable long-term energy supply
When you look at the present time, you will see that energy problems are not only encountered in your own country. The global energy problem faced by mankind today is likely to worsen unless energy sources are used efficiently and sustainably. One expensive commodity which we might run out of by the year 2050 is oil – a non-renewable energy resource. Therefore it will have to be replaced by alternative and renewable energy sources. One expensive commodity which we might run out of by the year 2050 is oil – a non-renewable energy resource. Therefore it will have to be replaced by alternative and renewable energy sources.
Fortunately today, real efforts are being made towards the utilization of renewable sources like wind, hydropower, solar, geothermal, wave energy and biomass. Fortunately today, real efforts are being made towards the utilization of renewable sources like wind, hydropower, solar, geothermal, wave energy and biomass. There is of course hope that alternative sources will cover huge energy demand before we run out of traditional energy sources. There is of course hope that alternative sources will cover huge energy demand before we run out of traditional energy sources.
The environmental impact of the energy industry is diverse. Consumption of fossil fuel resources lead to global warming and climate change. In most parts of the world little change is being made to slow these changes. Rapidly advanced technologies can achieve a transition of energy generation, water and waste management, and food production towards better environmental and energy usage practices.
In order to save energy it is very important for all of us to be ENVIRONMENTALLY-CONSCIOUS.
We can use: ~ Thermal insulation. The government even subsidizes thermal insulations of houses by paying back 30% of the total cost. ~ Double or triple-glazed windows are built in. 1.We need to decrease the power losses:
We can do that by purchasing environmentally- friendly products, also called GREENLINE : fridges, dishwashers, induction heaters, cookers, tumble dryers; energy saving light bulbs … these products save energy and thus money. 2.We should increase energy efficiency of electrical appliances:
~ As an individual we should: turn the lights off in broad daylight turn the lights off in broad daylight turn off the TV set/ computer if we are doing something else turn off the TV set/ computer if we are doing something else start the washing machine only when it is full start the washing machine only when it is full dry the laundry on the clothesline dry the laundry on the clothesline use a bike instead of a car for driving short distances. use a bike instead of a car for driving short distances. 3.We should take energy- saving measures as an individual, as a family and as a community:
~ As a family: improve thermal insulation in detached houses and tower blocks build in double/triple glazed windows install solar panels purchase Greenline products only
~ As a community: EARTH HOUR- Earth hour is a worldwide event encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change.
QUESTIONNAIRE Do you turn off electrical appliances (TV, computer) or do you leave them on standby when they are not in use? Do you turn off electrical appliances (TV, computer) or do you leave them on standby when they are not in use? Has your family got a tumble dryer? Do you use it in summer too or do you prefer using a clothes line outdoors? Has your family got a tumble dryer? Do you use it in summer too or do you prefer using a clothes line outdoors? Do you sort garbage (paper, aluminium, plastic, glasss) so that it can then be recycled? Do you sort garbage (paper, aluminium, plastic, glasss) so that it can then be recycled? Are there solar panels on your roof? Have you got a heat pump in your home? Are there solar panels on your roof? Have you got a heat pump in your home? Would you be willing to purchase an electric car for shorter distances if you lived in a town? Would you be willing to purchase an electric car for shorter distances if you lived in a town? Would you ever prefer to spend your holiday in homeland to avoid flying? Would you ever prefer to spend your holiday in homeland to avoid flying? …
RESOULTS Has your family replaced incandescent light bulbs with compact flourescent light bulbs which use 60% less energy? Yes.No.Some of them.I don’t know. 16 students4 students7 students1 student
If you commuted to Ljubljana on a daily basis, would you be willing to car-share?