Life Skills: I will follow a plan to manage stress. I will be resilient during difficult times. Vocabulary Stress - is the body’s reaction t the demands of daily living. Stressor- is a cause for stress. Unit 1 Lesson 5 How to Manage Stress and Be Resilient
Vocabulary Continued General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) - is a series of changes that occur in the body when stress occurs. Adrenaline- is a hormone that prepares the body for quick action. Depression - is the feeling of being sad, unhappy, or discouraged. Anti-depressants - is a drug that corrects chemical imbalances in the brain that cause depression.
Vocabulary Continued Beta-endorphins- are substances produced in the brain that create the feeling of well being. Suicide- is the intentional taking of one’s own life. Suicide Prevention Strategies- are ways to help prevent a person from attempting or committing suicide. Resilient- is to bounce back and learn from misfortune or change.
Vocabulary Continued Anxiety- A state of uneasiness, usually associated with a future of uncertainty. Anxiety Disorder- A disorder in which intense feelings of fear keeps a person from functioning normally. There are several types of anxiety disorders. Examples: Panic- A feeling of sudden intense fear. Phobia- an exaggerated fear of a specific situation
Stage 1: An alarm goes off Stage 2: The alarm is shut off Stage 3: The alarm keeps ringing and ringing and ringing…
What can I do if I get stressed out? *If you get stressed out, take action. Deal with stressors and protect your health! How to deal with stressors… 1.Get away from the stressor if it is appropriate or possible 2. Work through the stressor 3.Make a responsible decision and use resistance skills to stick to it 4.Talk to a responsible adult, such as parents
How to protect your health 1.Get vigorous exercise 2.Get plenty of rest and sleep 3.Eat foods and drink beverages that contain vitamin C 4.Spend time with family members and friends (pet) who comfort you.
Bell Peppers Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts Cauliflower StrawberriesRed/Green Hot Chili Peppers Fresh Herbs Thyme/Parsley Kale, Mustard Greens, Cress Oranges/Clementine Tangerine Guava Kiwi Papaya
Warning: Too much stress is HAZARDOUZ to our health! Stress can: Cause psychomatic diseases, such as headaches and ulcers; Aggravate existing conditions, such as asthma and allergies; Suppress your immune system, increasing your risk of disease; Affect your concentration causing higher accident rates.
What can I do if I feel Depressed? 1.Examine the cause of your depression 2.Talk to someone/ parents 3.Spend time with friends and family who support you 4.Exercise vigorously 5.Pay attention to your health habits 6.Do NOT drink ALCOHOL or use other harmful DRUGS!
Page 47 review ?’s Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. Answers must be in complete sentences! 1.What happens during the three stages of the GAS? (page 41) 2.What are the eight actions you can take if you get stressed out? (page 42) 3.What are the six ways to feel better if you feel depressed? (page 44) 4. SKIP 5. What does it mean to be resilient? (page 46)