Scotty E. Hancock Rome/Floyd LEPC LEPC EXERCISING
LEPC Partnership The LEPC is the regulated community and the regulators, the first responders and the health care providers, government agencies and the general public, all working toward a common goal of hazardous chemical planning and safe response.
LEPC Partnership The Public Sector Governmental Entities Business and Industry
LEPC Exercising Table-top Functional Full scale Must conduct at least one a year!
Common Problems Tendency to start with full scale exercises Tendency to exercise without an existing or up-to-date plan Tendency to try to do everything Typically held during DAY TIME
Exercise Basic Needs Start with the Plan Is it current? Do players know it’s contents? Exercising is intended to tell you if it is relevant Review real world response summaries Periodical articles Individuals who have “been there” Contact industry
Exercise Players Management personnel for community Larger cities - typically field supervisors Lieutenants, battalion chiefs, etc Smaller communities - typically “Chiefs” Facility Emergency Coordinators and backups Interfacing State agencies State Police, GEMA Specialty resources--hazmat team
LEPC Exercising Plan Awareness Scenario “Learn to walk before trying running”
Table Top Exercise Easy to conduct “like a college seminar” with moderator Typically no cost to conduct Generally last a couple of hours Focus on management-supervisory issues Command
Table Top Exercise Great for improving awareness of plan Good for learning who’s who Putting faces to names and departments Good for learning of community resources Good for learning gaps and overlaps in plan Little stress and typically informal Great to get to know industries plans
Functional Exercise What most people call table tops Stress is introduced Events-actions dictate exercise play “ready or not” Exercise design should be as realistic as possible Avoid “blind leading blind”
Functional Exercise Requires typically a group to conduct the exercise controllers simulators evaluators Works best when players “play” their real roles Also good for cross training
Functional Exercise Typically lasts 2-3 hours Includes : introduction to play exercise play critique Can be conducted in either “test” or “educational” modes one should assess group being exercised in deciding which mode
Functional Exercise Can be extremely pressurized Information overload or absence Must know details Must go through a simulation or it didn’t happen
Functional Exercise Works best for strategic and tactical decisions Does not get into hands-on action No equipment is moved Works best with management and supervisory personnel playing their own roles in command post environment--ICS and/or EOC
Functional Exercise Controllers & Simulators must know community resources and capabilities Players like to CHEAT! Allows “props” only when they exist in reality maps, photos, computer software If not brought, they don’t count Next time they will remember
Functional Exercise Typically this exercise will provide skills needed to “manage” a response It can be enhanced by exercise props Video news updates Call in center Video of facility walk-ins Multiple locations EOC vs ICS Multiple towns & groups
Full Sale Exercise Show Time! Expensive to conduct Prop costs Smoke Consumables Personnel time Equipment
Full Scale Exercise It takes more exercise staff to conduct: Safety Controllers--outside world Simulators Smoke production Liquid flows Evaluators Command Scene
Full Scale Exercise Should be last type of exercise to conduct Players should have learned their roles in table top and functional programs Allows system to see if it worked in “simulated” reality Command Logistics Communications
Full Scale Exercise Can be conducted in either test surprise or known time mode Surprise mode can be dangerous if response included Hazmat full scale exercises typically become a plug and patch exercise Wait for hazmat team Watch hazmat team Thank hazmat team
Full Scale Exercise Typically run in real time Presents problems with time controlled resources Hazmat team Typically total run by real “simulated” effects Smoke plume Liquid flow Victims
Full Scale Exercise Simulated effects may not cooperate with game plan Smoke did go where it was suppose to Responder indicates their not trained to conduct what needed and refuse to continue It rained or snowed It was fifty below zero or 100 F
Full Scale Exercise Not enough resources available to respond to problem This is classic exercise design problem cheating is often allowed to finish the missions must be back in service by “X” time Exercise must be aware of resource limitations 100 patients vs 2 ambulances 10 ambulances vs 2 patients
Full Scale Exercise Victims can be most difficult part to obtain Like to be fed Don’t like to get up early Like to go home early Will cancel out if a better offer arises Moulage allows for realism and better training if EMS is a focus Victims should not “help” players
Summary You can teach the wrong way as easily as teaching the right way! Think of exercises as another tool in the overall program-- Plans Training Equipment Exercises