Challenges to the New Government Washington established central authority at home and avoided war with European powers
Key Terms Battle of Fallen Timbers Treaty of Greenville Whiskey Rebellion French Revolution Neutral Jay’s treaty Pinckney’s Treaty
One Mississippi, Two Mississippi General Washington wanted peace in the United States but faced conflict in the Trans-Appalachian Territory Issues over trade and ports with Spain along the Mississippi River caused problems with Native Americans in the region Native Americans supported by Britain and Spain, Banded together in union to protect their land in the Northwest Territory
TIMBER!!!! The first armies sent to the Ohio valley were crushed by Native American Forces led by Little Turtle in two early battles “Mad Anthony” Wayne would take over as the head of the Army and take on Native Americans who had replaced Little Turtle The Native Americans were Defeated by the Us Troops at the Battle of Fallen Timbers which was Devastating to the Native Americans After receiving little Help from the British the Native Americans signed the Treaty of Greenville giving up much of present day Ohio and Indiana
How ‘Bout them Duke Boys Washington’s tax on whiskey caused a rebellion along the east coast Liquid grain, whiskey, was easier to transport than regular grains and was worth more money and offered better trade Angered at the loss, and tax, of a popular trade item farmers rebelled against the Tax Collectors
Whiskey Run-Away Hamilton urged Washington to fight the rebels and deploy an army to enforce the tax General Henry Lee and Alexander Hamilton took forces to Pennsylvania causing the rebels to flee By Putting down the rebellion he showed that the government had the power to enforce the laws it made
Off with Their Head Inspired by the American Revolution, France Fights a revolution and Beheads their king France Declared war on Britain, Spain, and Holland putting the US in an Awkward Position The US, who supported France, also supported their MAIN trade partner Great Britain The United States decided to be NEUTRAL to avoid alienating either relationship with either country
Capital Jay Britain started capturing American Cargo Ships from the French West Indies Making Americans Mad John Jay was sent to Britain to negotiate an End to the Attacks and remove Britain from the Ohio Valley After the Battle of Fallen Timbers, Britain signed Jay’s Treaty which removed Britain from the Ohio Valley and forced the repayment of damaged Ships
Someone threw my White pants in with a red shirt….I have… Thomas Pinckney worked to improve relations with Spain and Open up the frontier Pinckney’s treaty allowed the US to travel and trade along the Mississippi river and store goods at the port of New Orleans Spain also accepted the 31 st Parallel as the boundary between US and Spanish territory in Florida
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