Mark Twain & Tom Sawyer By Jennifer Coccia
Mark Twain(1830s-1850s) His real name is Samuel Clemens Born in Florida, Missouri Nov John Marshall Clemens (his father) died when Sam (Mark) was only 12 Age 18 moves to Philadelphia Comes back to Hannibal at the age of 21 and gets a steamboat pilot 2 years later he gets his license
Facts about Mark Twain(1860s- 1880s) Joins militia and travels to Nevada with his brother Orion 1863 he leaves Nevada to avoid prosecution on anti-dueling laws Got engaged to Olivia Langdon 1874 Clara Langdon Clemens was born the first child 1876 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was published nd daughter Jean was born "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was published in 1884 He found his own publishing company Charles L. Webster and Company "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" was published in 1889
Mark Twain( ) Twain went bankrupt in 1894 1896 Susy the oldest daughter dies Mark Twain got an award from Yale University in 1901 1903 Mark Twain moves to Florance,Italy 1909 the youngest daughter Jean dies from drowning in the bathtub from what they think was an epileptic seisure. Mark Twain dies in 1910 April 21 from a heart disease.
Works of Mark Twain Innocents Abroad (1869) Roughing It (1872) $30,000 Bequest & Other Stories(1874) Tom Sawyer (1876)
Works of Mark Twain Continued A Tramp Abroad (1880) The Prince and the Pauper (1882) Life on the Mississippi (1883) Huckleberry Finn (1885)
More Works Following the Equator (1897) Is Shakespeare Dead? (1909) The Mysterious Stranger (1916)
More Works Connecticut Yankee (1889) Those Extraordinary Twins(1894) Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894) Tom Sawyer Abroad (1894) Tom Sawyer, Detective (1896)
Mark Twain’s Family
Interesting Facts His childhood dream was to become a steamboat man on the Mississippi River. He out lived all of his children. He was born when Halley's Comet happened and it also happened when he died. There was a Hannah-Barbara cartoon based on him. He wrote his book, "Death After Jean" after his youngest daughter's death and vowed never to write another book again. He would always wear a white jacket, white pants, and a white shirt, but he would also wear red socks. He would do this to see what people would say about them.