Knowledge without boundaries
Usage Perception study findings IFLA, Helsinki, 2012
Research context EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme to support innovative use of technologies in public libraries Gap of knowledge about perceptions of public libraries in African countries EIFL – PLIP grantees
Study on the Perceptions of Public Libraries General state of public libraries Current awareness, perceptions and attitudes Role of librarians in local community development Perceptions of public libraries in Africa
Scope and targets 6 countries: Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Uganda 5 target groups: 2000 library users 1201 library non-users 283 librarians 278 local officials 112 national officials Source: Flickr, Labuto Library Project
Key findings
Libraries are important to individuals and communities Opinion of users Opinion of local government officials
Primary use of public libraries is educational Purpose of libraries by (users) Total Kenya Uganda Tanzania Ghana Base (=total sample) %%% Educational purposes (for homework or to take a class) National news or information Local news or information Entertainment Information on health issue International news or information To conduct a job search or write a CV Loan books To look for information on starting or running a business
But the benefits derived go beyond education Total Kenya Uganda Tanzania Ghana Base (=total sample) %%% Developed new skills or learned something new Obtained new ideas, new interests Got helpful information for school/ learning Experienced the library as safe and quiet place for study and reading Save time Enjoyed the visits- have you felt comfortable in the library Got helpful information for health and well being Made contacts with other people Got helpful information for business and commerce Got helpful information about your community Be better in your job
National officials strongly agree with the library helping to bridge the digital divide
Local government officials perceptions regarding the potential of libraries
Overall findings Awareness of libraries is high General perception about libraries is positive There is a need for technology Librarians are competent but have limitations in ICT Both local and national government readily accept the notion that libraries could contribute in the areas of economic development, employment, health, agriculture and the digital divide
Dissemination/ Use of findings
Dissemination Publicity, communication Articles and presentations (IFLA, Ariadne, African Library Summit, IGF) Internet Governance Forum in Nairobi, Kenya Workshop title: Do policymakers understand the role of libraries in mobilizing the internet as a catalyst for development, innovation and freedom? EIFL web site:
Dissemination Publicity, Advocacy Presentations of findings to media and stakeholders in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda; Africa awareness raising groups – Advocacy plans; small grants to support innovation and AARG work
Dissemination Publicity, Advocacy Presentations of findings to media and stakeholders in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda; Africa awareness raising groups – Advocacy plans; small grants to support innovation and AARG work Libraries Foster Development Africa: Failure to Adopt Technology in Libraries Results in Fewer Users Kenya: New Research Shows Libraries in Africa Are "Essential," Yet Underutilized
Dissemination Publicity, Advocacy Presentations of findings to media and stakeholders in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda; Africa awareness raising groups – Advocacy plans; small grants to support innovation and AARG work Africa Awareness Raising groups
Uganda ARG Objective: To Advocate for and get more funding for library services Most participants in the survey including policy level officials (85%) say that libraries are underfunded Objective: Re-enforce Perception of instant association of libraries with information/knowledge storage Users (71%) and non-usrs (69%) of libraries see libraries as places where information can be obtained
Dissemination Publicity, Advocacy Presentations of findings to media and stakeholders in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda; Africa awareness raising groups – Advocacy plans; small grants to support innovation and AARG work Innovative services in libraries
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