IMPACT Dr Marina Resmini Summary of the EPSRC workshop held in Loughborough in March 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

IMPACT Dr Marina Resmini Summary of the EPSRC workshop held in Loughborough in March 2010

IMPACT: AIM NOT to change the type of research you are doing To encourage you to think about the possible impact of your research at the time of planning it. “Impact” does not equal “applied” “Impact” does not equal “Industry”

A CADEMIC I MPACT R ESEARCH C OUNCIL D ESCRIPTION The demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to academic advances, across and within disciplines, including significant advances in understanding, methods, theory and application.

E CONOMIC AND S OCIETAL I MPACT R ESEARCH C OUNCIL D ESCRIPTION Fostering global economic performance, and specifically the economic competitiveness of the United Kingdom Increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy, and Enhancing quality of life, health and creative output  The demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy.  Impact embraces all the extremely diverse ways in which research-related knowledge and skills benefit individuals, organisations and nations by:

ECONOMY Wealth potential Inward investment New companies Products And proceduresPEOPLE Skills People pipeline KNOWLEDGE Scientific achievement Techniques Policy International Development Quality of life HealthSOCIETY W HAT DOES THAT MEAN ? Your Research

T IMEFRAME FOR I MPACT 0 – 5 Years5 – 10 Years10 – 20 Years20 – 50 Years Short termMedium term Long term Very Long term

I MPLICATIONS FOR A PPLICANTS  Two sections on JeS form:  Impact Summary – economic/societal  Academic beneficiaries – academic  Case for support attachment:  Impact plan  Resources DETAILED GUIDANCE ON WEB

W HAT ’ S THE D IFFERENCE … Between the summaries and the plan? The summaries may well appear in the public domain (e.g. Grants on the Web) Non- technical language Focus on beneficiaries and how they will be impacted The plan expands on the information in the summaries What you are actually going to do Networking events, workshops, publications, public engagement, training…

A CADEMIC VS E CONOMIC /S OCIETAL Ideally Impact Plan specific to users and beneficiaries of the research outside academic research community, but Plans for academic impact may be included where this forms part of the critical pathway towards economic and societal impact Expectation that everyone will be able to write something, but If you feel you can’t, then need to explain your reasoning in both the Impact Plan and the Impact Summary Your arguments will be reviewed with the rest of the proposal

O BSERVATIONS No need to expand to fill two pages if not needed Avoid simply cutting and pasting the summaries Please say what you will DO! Usual journals and conferences Please think about what these are! Impact through people Think about specific items to be included IF Not applicable Impact is very broad so please explain why?

I MPACT AND P ANELS Pre panel work: Speakers score each proposal against the four criteria Out of 10 Scores based on the reviewer comments and PI response Then give an overall score – based on the individual criterion scores At the panel: Pre-scores (on the 4 criteria & overall score for both speakers will be displayed. Discussion and agreement on final overall score Quality is primary criterion, others used as secondary to distinguish

I MPACT AT P ANELS Strengths/concerns : Minor/Major? Did all the reviewers highlight this? Have applicants responded? Quality of the reviewers Grading: 10 = excellent 5-9 = good 3-4= adequate 1-2 = unsatisfactory

E CONOMIC I MPACT C ASE S TUDIES UK Materials Scientists at the Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride are developing cheaper ways to manufacture low energy LEDs to help penetrate office and home markets Potential to produce cheaper and more environmentally friendly light bulbs Benefiting business, consumers and the environment 0-2 Years Route to Impact Industrial collaboration

E CONOMIC I MPACT C ASE S TUDIES Graphene – the world’s thinnest material at just one atom thick – was discovered by a team at the University of Manchester in The breakthrough proved the existence of material many believed could not exist. It has already radically advanced scientific knowledge and within 10 to 20 years, it could revolutionise electronics from computers to mobile phone. Benefiting researchers, business and consumers Years Route to Impact 2 new centres