Knowledge without boundaries
Who we are EIFL is an international not- for-profit organisation dedicated to enabling access to knowledge through libraries in more than 60 developing and transition countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.
EIFL Mission EIFL promotes sustainable access and exchange of knowledge through global leadership of libraries to improve the development of society and the economy in developing and transition countries
Core Initiatives Access to Knowledge for Education, Learning and Research –ensuring well-resourced libraries, modern ICT infrastructure and skilled staff to provide essential support to students and scholars. Access to Knowledge for Sustainable Community Development –transforming lives through innovative services in public libraries
EIFL Programmes EIFL-Licensing EIFL-OA: open access EIFL-IP: copyright and libraries EIFL-FOSS: free and open source software EIFL-PLIP: Public Library Innovation Programme
EIFL-Licensing in action… Negotiate affordable and fair licensing agreements for e- journals, databases and e-books Build local capacity in licensing and management of e-resources Work to promote awareness of e-resources, and to encourage subscriptions and usage
EIFL-OA in action… Build capacity to launch and support OA institutional repositories Offer training, support knowledge sharing, and provide expertise Empower library professionals, scholars, educators and students to be OA advocates Advocate nationally and internationally for the adoption of OA policies and mandates
EIFL-Copyright in action… Play a leadership role in promoting national and international copyright law reform Build local capacity through training in advocacy and copyright issues Provide valuable resources and expertise
EIFL-FOSS in action… Encourage knowledge sharing through best-practice case studies Build a network of FOSS champions in EIFL partner countries Provide training and guidance Raise awareness and understanding of FOSS use in libraries
Improving lives and livelihood through innovative public library services EIFL-PLIP: Public Library Innovation Programme
EIFL-PLIP context Technology offers public libraries new opportunities to increase access to knowledge, helping to improve standards of living and transform lives Yet, in most countries where the need is greatest, public libraries are under-resourced EIFL supports public libraries to use technology creatively to develop innovative services to meet the needs of their communities
EIFL-PLIP in action… Sparking ideas for the use of ICT to improve lives Providing financial and human resources to support innovative projects Promoting services that made an impact Sharing learning and knowledge in the PLIP network
PLIPs approach 1.Grant support 2.Capacity building (impact assessment, communications & advocacy skills) 3.Sharing learning so other libraries are inspired by innovation and can replicate successful services
CALLS FOR PROPOSALS 1 ST round : 12 new projects 2 nd round : 14 projects replicating successful projects of the first round 26 projects in public libraries in 22 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America
Focus on 5 development areas Vulnerable children and youth at risk Agriculture Health Employment and entrepreneurship Open government
Achievements New public library services using ICT to address community needs in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
Support for children and youth at risk Ghana, Tamale – ICT and leadership training for 190 unemployed and vulnerable youth. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zavidovići - ICT and media skills for school kids hanging around in the bus station.
Support for children and youth at risk Lithuania, Utena - 1,130 school drop-outs play a computer learning game in 25 public libraries, earning points towards their school results. Zambia, Lubuto – literacy through 100 computer based reading lessons in each of Zambias seven languages.
Support for farming and farmers Chile, Panguipulli – mobile ICT lab trains 200 farmers in online social networking skills, and connects them to an online market. Serbia, Jagodina - The AgroLib information service improves farming methods, increases sales of farm products and links farmers to government support services..
Provision of health information Kenya, Kisumu and El Doret – health corners with Internet access to e-health resources health workers, students and members of the public trained.
Improving peoples employment prospects Mongolia – Ulanbaatar City Library and Nat. Fed. of the Blind make digital talking books available in 21 rural libraries – such as how to learn to be a masseur. Nepal, Saula - 43 people trained in traditional and fine art and computer skills in a digital design centre with the first public Internet access.
ICT of new services PCs and a range of software including special s/w (eg for the blind) Laptops and mobile devices Access to the Internet Digital cameras, recording equipment Mobile (smart) phones Radio, video, solar panels, multimedia..
PLIP IN AFRICA Research Study on the Perceptions of Public Libraries in 6 African Countries (2011) Call for proposals in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda (starting 1 April 2012) African Advocacy Groups in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda (starting 1 April 2012) (3 projects in the first call – Ghana, Kenya, Zambia; 2 projects in the replication call – South Africa, Uganda)
Perception study Research background Geographies: Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe Objective: to understand the awareness, perceptions, attitudes and actions towards public libraries of different target groups: central and local government officials, users, non users and librarians Time: 2011 January-June Carried out by TNS International
Samples of respondents Category TotalKenyaUgandaTanzaniaGhanaZimbabweEthiopia Library users Non users of libraries Librarians Local level officials (operating libraries) Local level officials (not operating libraries) National Level officials991920
In Tanzania libraries are important to individuals and communities Opinion of users Opinion of local government officials
Public libraries are quite actively used Total Kenya Uganda Tanzania Ghana Base (=total sample) %%% Daily Weekly Monthly Every other month Once or twice a year31116 Don't know1-201
Primary use of public libraries is educational Purpose of libraries by (users) Total Kenya Uganda Tanzania Ghana Base (=total sample) %%% Educational purposes (for homework or to take a class) National news or information Local news or information Entertainment Information on health issue International news or information To conduct a job search or write a CV Loan books To look for information on starting or running a business
But the benefits derived go beyond education Total Kenya Uganda Tanzania Ghana Base (=total sample) %%% Developed new skills or learned something new Obtained new ideas, new interests Got helpful information for school/ learning Experienced the library as safe and quiet place for study and reading Save time Enjoyed the visits - have you felt comfortable in the library Got helpful information for health and well being Made contacts with other people Got helpful information for business and commerce Got helpful information about your community Be better in your job
And the needs of inhabitants go beyond education Perceived purpose of libraries (non users) Total Kenya Uganda Tanzania Ghana Base (=total sample) %%% Educational purposes (for homework or to take a class) Local news or information Information on health issue National news or information To help children do homework Information on agriculture Entertainment It is safe place for my child to spend time To look for information on starting or running a business
What people like and what they dont like
There is a need for technology 42% of users dissatisfied with library services say that they lack computers 54% of librarians say that they lack technology related skills With more funding, 44% of librarians would get more computers, second to books in terms of their priority
Intentions of non users to start using libraries Libraries need to tap into this opportunity by reaching out to non users and addressing the barriers, key among them being relevance of materials, activities and ICT
Priorities of local governments regarding libraries
Satisfaction levels among local official with libraries
Local level officials view of the purposes served by libraries
Library potential Both local and national government officials recognize libraries potential to support policy strands outside what are perceived to be their core competences of education, literacy and culture. The officials readily accept the notion that libraries could contribute in the areas of economic development, employment, health, agriculture and the digital divide
PLIP in AFRICA Call for proposals in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda, closed on the 31st of January Eligible public and community libraries 167 proposals received –Ghana 28, Kenya 47, Uganda 92 –Children + youth / farming / health / employment / entrepreneurship Evaluation is in the final stages Projects to start 1st of April
PLIP in AFRICA African Advocacy Groups in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda – groups of advocacy champions Building on the results of the perceptions research Aims to –Change negative and reinforce positive perceptions –Create awareness about the need to innovate amongst librarians Target groups decision makers (national, local), media, librarians 1 year projects with a variety of activities
Innovation Awards New initiative to start 1 st April Rolling call in our themes for stories about innovation in public libraries –Economic well being –Community health –Social inclusion –Open government Chance to win $1500, trip to conference Winners will be given wide publicity
Related initiatives Beyond Access Campaign –Targeting the ICT community (funders and practitioners) to convince them of the potential of public libraries for development Internet Governance Forum Dynamic Coalition for Public Access in Libraries –Multi stakeholder forum of government, business, civil society, funders
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