Definition STRESS ? In Science: Stress=Force/area Pressure=Force/area. Mathematically if these two equations are compared then : Stress=pressure
Stress 1.1.3
Types External Force Internal Force Internal Force is the Stress. External Force generates internal Stress
Source of stress. Generation of stress not depend upon the situation but depends how the situation have been perceived/reacted by the individuals. Stress is generated when a person perceives a situation as an adverse. Stress is best described as an individual response to the pressure
Source of stress (contd) Pressure is an external applied force while stress is an internally generated force. Generation of stress is not dependent on external pressure but on how that external pressure have been perceived
Source of stress (contd) No amount of external pressure can generate internal pressure (stress) till one does not perceive it as pressure/adverse/bad/threat. Generation of stress can be controlled by managing perception towards that situation/external pressure
STRESS MANAGEMENT Convert distress (anguish) into eustress. Conceive the external pressure in positive perception
STRESS MANAGAMENT (CONTD) A situation perceived as good, will release Serotonin hormone in Thyroid, which is a happy hormone. This hormone is available in Milk and Banana, which help circulation of blood to all parts of the body
STRESS MANAGEMENT(contd) Transmission of positive energies in to our body always produce positive thinking. Spiritual Science help us to create positive energies in our body and mind. Create energy by practicing Meditation etc
STRESS MANAGEMENT (contd) A situation perceived as bad will generate negative energies in our body. Negative energies release Adrenaline hormone, which immediately pumps the blood to three parts of the body viz., hands, legs, face and prompt body to get ready for fight or flight
STRESS MANAGEMENT (contd) Edited/audited response to any external force keeps our mind under control. When we are under normal situation, neither serotonin nor adrenaline hormone will be will be released
STRESS MANAGEMENT (contd) Perception to bad situation to be normal. Re-program to treat all situation as normal. Emotional hijacking should be avoided. Be emotionally balanced. Be emotionally measured. Be normal at all time and not panic
Stress Management God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can. And WISDOM to know the difference
STRESS MANAGEMENT SWOT StrengthConcentrate WeaknessRecognise OpportunitiesEvaluate ThreatsResearch
Life is full of situation Unmanaged situation creates problems. Problems create negative feelings and fear. Fear in subconscious mind becomes worry. Worry builds up pressure in mind and body. Pressure,creates Stress, Strain and tension
Tips for management for stress Positive Attitude Support system Laughing Meditation Taking time for you
Tips for stress management Yoga Exercise Hobby Nature Music Time management Therapy
Conclusion Do not get upset with people or situations. Both are powerless without your reaction
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