19-05-2011EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May 20111 Recommendations for Implementation of Open Access in Denmark Bo Öhrström Chairman of the Open Access Committee.


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Presentation transcript:

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Recommendations for Implementation of Open Access in Denmark Bo Öhrström Chairman of the Open Access Committee Deputy Director Danish Agency for Libraries and Media / Denmarks Electronic Research Library (DEFF)

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Contents Denmarks Electronic Research Library (DEFF) as a framework Open Access development and advocacy seen from DEFF Basic considerations in the Open Access Committee Open Access economy in Denmark Selected recommendations from the Open Access Committee

3 Denmarks Electronic Research Library (DEFF) Funded by Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Total funding in the five year project period : –26,7 million Euro in total –6,7 million Euro in total in subsidies for content Funding now (2011) –2,7 million Euro yearly –Funding covers: License Secretariat (6 people, 0,55 million Euro yearly), acquire and administer licensed e-resources on behalf of the Danish Research Libraries, no subsidies for content Salaries for Secretariat (4 people, 0,37 million Euro yearly) Operations of few common services (for example the Danish Research Database) Projects co-financed with the institutions Travel, meetings and support for the programme groups International activities

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Open Access development and advocacy seen from DEFF (1) Budapest Open Access Initiative, December 2001 Berlin Declaration on Open Access, October 2003 LIBER annual conference June 2004 in Sct. Petersburg DEFF projects for institutional repositories (PURE) 4Q 2004 First Danish university launches Open Access mandate January 2006 DEFF networks and participates in common activities in Nordbib and Knowledge Exchange (KE) from 2006 DEFF observes DEFF observes and signs later DEFF participates and starts up advocating DEFF funds partly the first common Danish repository infrastructure - DEFF runs Nordbib secretariat and supports Open Access strand in KE

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Open Access development and advocacy seen from DEFF (2) Knowledge Exchange prepare an EU petition February 2007 EUs Council Conclusions on scientific content November 2007 Danish Open Access Network Ministry of Science answers EU status questionnaire 4Q 2008 Open Access Committee established 2Q 2009 Houghton report Alternative Publication Models Denmark September 2009 First Open Access Committee report May 2010 Second Open Access Committee report February 2011 DEFF advocates in Denmark for support - DEFF funds the network DEFF assists with expertise DEFF delivers chairman and secretary DEFF funds -

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Open Access development and advocacy seen from DEFF (3) Houghton report Access to Research and Technical Information in Denmark May 2011 Publishers workshop 24 May 2011 General Open Access Conference 10 June 2011 Strategy hearing 3Q 2011? Policy decision by the Minister of Science 3Q 2011? DEFF funds partly the report DEFF funds partly the workshop DEFF funds partly the conference -

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Basic considerations in the Open Access Committee There shall as far as possible be free access to the results of all public funded research Publishing in Open Access shall still be based on a publishing process with integrated quality assurance in the form of peer review Long-term preservation of Danish research publications and research data shall be high on the agenda Open Access must not be a hindrance for publishing of Danish research in the most prestigious journals The Open Access Committee has produced recommendations for both Golden and Green Open Access. It is the evaluation of the Committee, that Green Open Access clearly is the practicable way, which also is reflected in the recommendations of the Committee

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Open Access economy in Denmark Open Access is a really good business –Green Open Access is a low hanging fruit Benefits –Defined as increased return of existing investments –Better access to research is 300 million DKR worth yearly in Denmark Costs –Shift to Open Access globally is cost neutral and possibly a saving of approximately 200 million DKR yearly –Mapping of costs in the complete system –Quantification of savings on digital production and distribution Source: Costs and benefits of Alternative Publishing Models: Denmark / Professor John Houghton, Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne. Source: 18F422A6B86C%7dhttp:// 18F422A6B86C%7d

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Selected recommendations out of a total of 16 (1) Recommendation 1. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation establishes an Open Access policy Recommendation 2. Research councils and foundations establish Open Access policies Recommendation 3. Universities and other research institutions implement and promote Open Access policies Recommendation 5. One common national research database

EIFL-OA online workshop, 30 May Selected recommendations out of a total of 16 (2) Recommendation 7. Danish scientific publishers, scientific associations and science editors prepare discussion paper on scientific journals' transition to Open Access Recommendation 9. The Open Access Committee monitors the implementation of the Minister of Science's Open Access strategy Recommendation 12. DEFF increases focus on Open Access in DEFF consortium licenses Recommendation 12. Establishment of a comprehensive long-term preservation service for scientific publications

Where to find the full report: Recommendations for implementation of Open Access in Denmark, Report from the Open Access Committee: – ns/2011/recommendatio ns-for-implementation- of-open-access-in- denmark/ ns/2011/recommendatio ns-for-implementation- of-open-access-in- denmark/